Difference Between Class Component vs Functional Component In React

Difference Between Class Component vs Functional Component In React
9 min read

Let’s understand the difference between class component vs functional component in React. It’s really crucial for reactjs development. At its core, React relies on components, the fundamental element that shape user interfaces. Among these components, two primary types dominate: class components and functional components.

Welcome to our exploration of React’s core components. In this blog, We start on a journey to understand the distinction between class and functional components. Whether you’re a seasoned developer seeking clarity or newcomer eager to learn, this guide will illuminate your path.

What are React Components?

React components are the building blocks of UIs in React applications, encapsulating reusable code for rendering UI elements. They can be categorized into class and React Function Component.

A Quick Glance at Class Component vs Functional Component

  • Performance and Efficiency: Functional components are simpler and lightweight which lead to better performance. Understanding this difference aids in optimizing React applications.
  • Design Patterns: Class components support inheritance patterns, while functional components promote composition. Knowing when to use each facilitates better design decisions.
  • Syntax and Lifecycle Management: Class components use ES6 classes and have lifecycle methods, whereas functional components are pure functions. Knowing the syntax and lifecycle differences is crucial for writing clean and maintainable code.

What is React Class Components

Definition and Syntax

React class components are ES6 classes that extend from React.Component and are used to build UI components in React applications. They have a render method that returns JSX for defining the component’s UI. Here’s a basic syntax example:

import React, { Component } from ‘react’;

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

export default MyComponent;

Lifecycle Methods in Class Components

Class components in React have lifecycle methods that allow developers to hook into specific points in the component’s lifecycle. These methods include componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount, and more. They enable actions like fetching data, updating the UI, and cleaning up resources. Lifecycle methods facilitate managing state, props, and side effects efficiently within class components.

Examples and Use Cases

  1. Fetching Data: Utilize componentDidMount to fetch data from APIs after the component mounts.
  2. Updating State: Use componentDidUpdate to trigger state updates based on prop changes or other conditions.
  3. Cleanup: Perform cleanup operations like unsubscribing from event listeners in componentWillUnmount.
  4. Third-party Integration: Integrate with third-party libraries or frameworks requiring lifecycle management.

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Exploring React Function Component

Definition and Syntax

Function component in React are JavaScript functions that render UI based on the provided props. They are simpler than class components and don’t have built-in state or lifecycle methods. The syntax involves defining a function that returns JSX which makes it concise and easy to understand. Here’s a basic syntax example:

import React from ‘react’;

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1>

export default MyComponent;

State Management in React Function Component

React function component can manage state using React Hooks, specifically the useState hook. This hook allows components to have stateful logic without using class components. By calling useState, functional components can initialize and update state variables within the component. The useState hook returns a state variable and a function to update that variable. This enables functional components to manage local state efficiently.

Examples and Use Cases

  1. Managing UI State: Use useState to manage UI-related state, such as form inputs or toggling components.
  2. Component Composition: Functional components facilitate composition by being simple and reusable.
  3. Context API Integration: Integrate with React Context API to manage global state across the application.
  4. Conditional Rendering: Employ functional components for conditional rendering based on state or props.

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Key Differences Between Class and Functional Components

Performance Considerations

  1. Resource Intensiveness: Class components are generally more resource-intensive due to the nature of class instantiation and lifecycle methods. Functional components, being simpler, often perform better in terms of rendering speed.
  2. Memory Consumption: Class components can occupy more memory because of the additional overhead of managing instance properties and methods. Functional components tend to have lower memory consumption as they are just plain functions.

Code Readability and Maintainability

  1. Conciseness: Functional components are more concise and easier to read, making them preferable for simple UI rendering tasks. Class components often involve more boilerplate code due to the syntax of class-based declarations.
  2. Ease of Understanding: Functional components, being pure functions, are simpler to understand as they focus solely on rendering UI based on props. Class components, with lifecycle methods and state management, can be more complex and require an understanding of React’s class-based architecture.

Scalability and Reusability

  1. Scalability: Functional components encourage component composition which promote a more scalable architecture by favoring the use of smaller, reusable components. Class components, while supporting inheritance patterns, can lead to more tightly coupled code, hindering scalability.
  2. Reusability: Functional components, being more focused and modular, often result in more reusable code. They promote the separation of concerns and can be easily shared across different parts of an application. Class components, while reusable, may require more effort to extract and reuse specific functionality due to their class-based nature.

When to Use Class Components vs Functional Components

Decision Factors and Best Practices

  1. State Management: Class components are preferred when state management is complex or requires lifecycle methods. Functional components with hooks like useState and useEffect are suitable for simpler state management tasks.
  2. Component Lifecycle: Use class components if you need to work with lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate. Functional components with the useEffect hook can also handle lifecycle operations but might be less intuitive for developers accustomed to class-based lifecycles.

Real-world Scenarios and Recommendations

  1. Stateful Components: Choose class components when dealing with components that require internal state management, such as forms or interactive UI elements. Functional components with hooks can handle state as well but might be less suitable for complex state management scenarios.
  2. Presentational Components: For simple presentational components that primarily render UI based on props and don’t need state or life cycle methods, opt for functional components. They offer a cleaner and more concise way to define such components.

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Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd is a top-notch ReactJS Development Company in USA. We specialize in creating various types of applications like single-page apps, web apps and websites using ReactJS. Our team is skilled at building modern and dynamic user interfaces that cater to the specific needs of clients.

We offer a wide range of services in ReactJS, including custom development, plug-ins development, web app development, UI integration, and enterprise development. Our experienced developers are experts in ReactJS and can handle projects of any complexity with ease.

Artoon Solutions is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions tailored to each client’s needs. We prioritize client satisfaction and aim to provide reliable and efficient ReactJS Development Services. If you’re looking for a trustworthy partner for your ReactJS projects, Artoon Solutions is an excellent choice.

Final Thoughts

Deciding between class component vs functional components in React often depends on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the development team. Functional components are favored for their simplicity, performance benefits, and compatibility with hooks. However, class components may still be suitable for projects that heavily rely on lifecycle methods or complex state management. Ultimately, it’s essential to consider factors such as project scope, team expertise, and long-term maintainability when making this decision. Hire ReactJS Developers now for your next react projects.


1. What is the difference between functional component and class component in React?

Functional components are simple JavaScript functions that accept props as arguments and return JSX, while class components are ES6 classes that extend from React.Component and use a render method to return JSX.

2. What is the difference between class component and pure component in React?

Class components are traditional React components that can have state and lifecycle methods, whereas pure components are optimized versions of class components that perform shallow comparison for prop and state changes to determine if re-rendering is necessary.

3. What is the difference between functional component and class component in Redux?

Functional components are primarily used for UI rendering in Redux, while class components can also be used but are more commonly associated with managing local component state.

4. What is the difference between React functional component and React element?

React functional components are JavaScript functions that return JSX to define UI elements, while React elements are objects that represent the output of a component and describe what should appear on the screen.

5. What are the two types of components in React?

The two types of components in React are Functional components & Class components.

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