Betting Strategies – Explained

For as long as people have been gambling, there has been a debate as to whether strategy can be employed to win a game. For the most part, most agree that gambling games are purely luck based, and no amount of strategy can change the outcome.

However, savvy gamblers have come up with a way to maximize their betting. Instead of focusing on creating strategies for playing, pro gamblers use betting strategies. Whether you are playing at land-based casinos, or on gambling websites like, betting strategies can be a valuable tool to improve your shot at winning. In this article, we’d like to explain betting strategies.

What are Betting Strategies?

The first question on most people’s mind would be; “What is a betting strategy?” As some of you may have already figured it out, a betting strategy is a plan focusing on the act of wagering cash, rather than on a gameplay plan. 

Professional gamblers throughout the years have figured out that casino games are largely games of chance. That means, no amount of planning can alter the outcome. But, if one were to plan out how and when to wager what amount of cash, one could maximize a win, or at least minimize a loss.

It is important to note that betting strategies are not created to alter the outcome of a game. Indeed, as we’ve repeated throughout the article, it is impossible to alter the outcome of most casino games. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the most popular betting strategies. 

Progressive Betting Strategies

Without a doubt, the most popular betting strategy category is the progressive betting strategy. As the name suggests, a progressive betting strategy relies on progressively increasing or decreasing the amount you’ve wagered. 

Most gamblers who use progressive betting strategies, tend to focus on the ones in which the player progressively increases their bet. The idea here is that, in the case of an eventual win, the player would not only earn back the cash they’ve lost, but also a little something extra.

Martingale Strategy

The Martingale strategy is the most popular progressive betting strategy used by gamblers in the 21st century. While incredibly popular today, the Martingale strategy is also one of the oldest. Gamblers have been using it since the 19th century, which points to its effectiveness.

In essence, the Martingale system is quite simple; players start the wager with a pretty low bet, and then simply double it each time they don’t win. In the case of an eventual victory, the player earns back the cash they’ve lost, and also a bit of extra cash. 

Other Strategies

Apart from Martingale, the most popular progressive betting strategy is the Fibonacci system. Named after the mathematical sequence of the same name, the Fibonacci largely is based on betting to the pattern of the Fibonacci sequence.

For those who want to try something new, there is the reverse-martingale. As the name suggests, The Reverse-Martingale demands that a gambler starts with a higher sum, and then reduce the wager whenever they lose, and double it when they win.