7 Factors Affecting Which Game Development Studio to Choose

Game Development Studio
11 min read

So it’s 2023, and you may have finally acknowledged that the gaming industry is a huge and successful one. Although it has been a while, being late is better than never! Choosing a game development studio depends on several factors, all relating to the game dev studios and your requirements. 

A game development company like Artoon Solutions Pvt. Ltd., would be able to guide you well if you require any of the following games:  

  • Multigaming platform
  • Cards & Casino games 
  • Board games
  • Fantasy Sports games 
  • Puzzle games
  • Hyper-Casual & Casual games
  • Quiz games
  • Sports games

7 Factors Affecting Which Game Development Studio to Choose

Picking the games studio that will effectively be making a game or a few games for you is a tricky process! This is why you have to scrutinize every factor, from the game design used. 

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1. Game Developer’s Experience

An abundance of proven and successful experience is vital for any business, especially one dealing with game development. The experience of a game development company is not just measured in years but also by the number of bigger brands they have worked with throughout their time.    

How to Choose a Game Development Studio

Clients that Artoon Solutions has worked with over the last 14+ years are -MPL, HD Works (A23), Flipkart, Zupee, Batball11 (ITlion), 3Plus Games, COG (circle of games), Team18 Play (Clearbit API), JP Funware (RummyXL), Kubera, Junglee Games, YooZoo Games. 

Our Client

The reason why the company has managed to amass such a huge following is because of the fact that they have a wide array of game genres. This includes the following:      

Game Genres 

  • MultiGaming Platform
  • Cards & Casino
  • Board
  • Puzzle 
  • Casual & Hyper-Casual 
  • Fantasy Sports


2. Game Development Services

Dealing with a company just because of its popularity is not a wise decision. You must look at whether the game dev studio offers services that are required by you. What you should be looking for is the type of services offered by the company.  



3. Development Process

Prior to any game development studio, the relevant team must first go through the Scope of Work document and its contents. Secondly, the company must look at the features and solve any queries regarding them. Then a quotation including the cost and delivery time can be provided.   

Post this, the development team will adopt a certain software development methodology. It could be Agile, Kanban, Scrum, and more. Additionally, a Project Management Tool must be used to ensure nothing is missed out. Developers and clients will always be on the same page.         

The adoption of such a process also ensures that the company’s resources are adequately utilized!          

Just about every game development process consists of these six steps: Research, Designing, Development, QA (Testing), Beta Release (Prelaunch), Soft Launch- Complete release, and Post Development Services.    

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Carrying out adequate research ensures that your investment is protected and that it won’t be a complete waste. Success depends on researching the market and the ability to make a product that can fill a niche in the market that is not yet being catered to. 

After this step, it should be clear as to what game service is required from the game developer studio and what game genre is necessary. This starts the process off, and clients can then make a list of particulars regarding their game.

Creating exciting games starts with in-depth research, and you can trust every development team to know the gaming industry, its games, and the market share of each option. 


After figuring out the outlines of the game requirements, it is up to game studio developers to design the game. It is game design, after all, that makes mobile games that are interactive entertainment for players. Game developers and the whole team know this.

It starts with building a storyline. Without a storyline, you can get users to download the game, but you can’t keep them engaged. As a result, your game will be uninstalled in no time at all! Creating a storyline is a worthwhile investment. 

Design is a make-or-break game feature. Really good design has the ability to draw users in, while bad design will decrease game appeal before it even releases. This makes it essential to deal with multiple teams, especially one that understands game design in mobile games.

A popular game like the Andar Bahar game must be appealing as well as tie in the visual elements with the functional elements. Only then will it be a successful mobile game?

A great deal of making an enjoyable game starts with ensuring the rules are clearly stated, be it Rummy rules for a Rummy game or Poker rules for a Poker game.

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Next comes the task of development, and technology choices are crucial! You must choose a technology that will be able to provide seamless functionality, gripping graphics, and glitch-free gameplay.

Instead of developing a full game, a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is developed. An MVP is a game with the least number of features to make the game functional. The purpose of the MVP is to assess how the public will react to the MVP and, ultimately, whether or not there is a market for the game created.

Depending on the results of the MVP, you can be met with real-market data on whether or not developing your game will be a good decision or a bad decision. So, it will also dictate whether or not your final game will be a success or failure.  

After developing a successful MVP, you can develop the full game with all of the additional features you thought about adding. This is a considerably time-intensive task that a gamedev studio or, to be precise, its game developers should be well experienced in.            

Game Development Process

Game Development Process

  • Research – Assessing market competitors, and target audiences 
  • Designing – Character, storyline, and table designs 
  • Development – Coding the game with appropriate game engines and back-end technology
  • QA (Testing) – Removing errors and design flaws
  • Beta Release (Prelaunch) – Releasing to a limited audience for testing 
  • Soft Launch – Final release to the public
  • Post Development Services – Maintenance and customization services    

QA (Testing)

The testing phase is an essential one. A game development company must have an in-house testing team as well as a multitude of testing devices.       

This particular phase is applied to check the game’s functionality as well as the fidelity of the coding. This overall goes towards making sure that a malfunctioning game is not released on the market.  

The more mobile devices are used for testing, the more the chances of assuring the game can be enjoyed by the widest audience.  

Beta Release

The beta release enlists the release of the game to a limited number of users. These users are part of the testing process by which the game owner is able to get genuine feedback from real users! 

This valuable feedback is important as it shows what features should be tweaked in order to have a publicly accepted game! It also helps to weed out any severe errors in coding and designing which may have made it past the testing phase or have been derived afterward as a result of playing the game.

For instance, to enable users to play a fulfilling game of Andar Bahar online, every aspect of designing, developing, and testing needs to be spot on. 

Also Read: Own Game Source Code For Better Game Control & Development

Soft Launch

The soft launch is the final step of every game development process. The soft launch process is one that propels the game into the sight of prospective players. The aim is to not just attract players but keep them engaged as well!

Post-Development Services

The company should offer clients the opportunity to improve games with them or to customize their games in the future. Also, the chance to avail support from the game development company. These services add value to the game development services of a company. 

NOTE- Failure to provide these services may make the difference and be why a client decides to deal or not with you!   

4. Game Engine

The game engine to be used is another crucial element. The most popular ones are the Unity and Unreal engines.

5. Professionalism

Serious clients look for a game development studio that is professional. This means a company that won’t go back on its word regarding cost and delivery timeline.

Also, the company should effectively communicate with clients, and a respectable dialogue should be maintained. Clients should also be kept informed of delays or progress of their projects. Thus, clients are more likely to deal with a game development services provider that makes managing the process more convenient for the client.

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6. Barriers

Hiring a company or a development team that is situated in another country is a great idea as long as there are no barriers that may hinder the effectiveness of the game development services. Most game development companies go above and beyond to ensure there are no communication barriers.

Also, multiple teams working on rotation ensure that services are projects are not affected by time zone differences.

7. Cost

Cost is a factor that will influence the decision of which game dev studio to partner with. Some game development companies tend to overcharge for their services, knowing that the industry average is much lower, so a fair bit of research on the gaming industry and costs is a necessary step.

Traditionally, costing is largely influenced by the hourly rate of each expert involved in the process of game development. Depending on the time it takes to complete the project, the price should be calculated based on the total hourly rate of the experts.       

You require a development partner that is skilled, experienced, and in a well-recognized position on the market. But the price is not everything, and you should not be too interested in getting a bargain or low price as you may be disappointed in the resulting game. 

Game Development Services

In some cases, you may find that the popularity of the game may dictate the cost! This may mean that a game like the Rummy game may cost more than a less popular game. 


Choosing a game development team can be quite vexing, especially since you have so many options in the Indian market. Based on a set of distinct requirements, you can get a game developer studio offering you a custom solution.

Suppose you are looking for game development services. In that case, Artoon Solutions is the best partner you could ask for a high-quality and affordable game development company that will release the stress of game development! To get this, Contact us!


How much does a game development studio cost? 

The cost of hiring a game development company depends on various factors, the main one being your exact requirements for creating games. Generally, game development companies will calculate mobile game development costs based on the hourly rates of developers and the team who undertake the task of developing games.

What is a game publisher?

A game publisher is a game involved in publishing games either internally or externally developed by a game development company. The publisher usually develops the game but requires the help of a game studio with solid experience in developing art and various game scenarios for a storyline.

What do game development services include?

Game development companies offering game development services are involved in the art of game development, design, and working of gaming systems and gameplay.

Why hire a game developer in India?

There are several advantages to hiring a developer in India to undertake your project. You get cost-efficient mobile or web games that are of high quality when the team specializes in game, mobile development, and other services.

What is the most popular mobile platform for mobile card games?

Android and iOS games are equally popular and it comes down to the specific target market. But, having a game of various platforms can be advantageous for the future of your game.

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