Generated assets for hot update on iOS, Android and windows are the same?

Hi there,
I’m using the hot update feature for my game, I followed the Hot Update document.
I’m using built assets by Android for Android and Windows, and everything is ok and working properly.
The problem is about iOS, when I use assets generated by Android to update iOS, game will crash after doing hot update. But if I use the mac built asset, hot update will work as well for iOS.

The question is aren’t built assets the same with different OS?
If they aren’t the same, so, what is the best solution to make a unified hot update for different OS?

Which version of the editor is being used?
Do you use compressed textures?

I’m using CC 3.6, and yes Skip Compress Texture is unchecked

Hi, Bro.
I am not sure whether it is ok to use the assets package generated by Android for iOS.
but I’ve been using assets generated by iOS for Android for many years.

on my side, it’s been working fine all the time.
maybe you could have a try.

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Hi, thanks for your help.
Yes, seems I have to try this. But this approach is somehow costly because I need to buy a Mac you know. Now I’m just bought a Mac server just for create the app!