How Much is the Average Cost of Ecommerce App Development?

E-commerce App Development
7 min read

E-commerce apps are digital platforms that are developed to buy and sell online, and the cost of E-commerce app development plays a crucial role in shaping these transformative platforms. Platforms provide users with a convenient way to browse, select, and purchase products or services from the comfort of their devices. These E-commerce apps have become an integral part of modern business, which is transforming traditional retail into a digital experience.

E-commerce apps are like your online shopping buddies. They help businesses show off their products, and you can snag them securely from your sofa or wherever. The cost of e-commerce app development, particularly in regions like India, plays a pivotal role in shaping the accessibility and success of these platforms. You can shop globally without leaving your comfort zone. The whole browse, order, and pay routine is a piece of cake, making the entire shopping gig a breeze. Businesses get to flaunt their stuff to the world, breaking down those old-school barriers. It’s a win-win situation!

E-commerce Apps – A Market Overview

Current State and Trends in the Market

  • Growth Rate in 2023
    The e-commerce market is experiencing a remarkable growth rate of 265%, emphasizing the increasing significance of online shopping.

E-commerce Trends in 2023

  • Social Shopping Rewards: E-commerce trends include rewarding social shoppers with exclusive in-app discounts and sales.
  • Personalization: Personalized shopping experiences are preferred by both B2C and B2B consumers, shaping the e-commerce landscape.
  • Ever-changing Landscape: Staying ahead of the curve is crucial due to the ever-changing nature of the e-commerce landscape, emphasizing the need to understand and adapt to the latest trends.

Commerce Trends Report 2023

The 2023 Commerce Trends report delves into five key areas: e-commerce, retail, supply chains, marketing, and money, providing insights into the current state and future direction of the market.

Features of E-commerce Mobile App Development

Features of E-commerce Mobile App Development

1. User Registration

Keep the process seamless so that your user can create accounts with minimal effort.

2. Intuitive Home Page

Keep your home screen visually appealing and user-friendly to showcase featured products and promotions.

3. Advanced Search Functionality

Robust search features with filters and sorting options for efficient product discovery.

You must have robust search features with filters and sorting options for efficient product discovery.

4. Push Notifications

You should keep your users engaged with personalized notifications for promotions, discounts, and order updates.

5. In-App Customer Support

You can integrate a chat or support system for real-time assistance and query resolution.

6. Comprehensive Product Catalog

You should have a well-organized catalog with detailed product descriptions, images, and specifications.

7. User Reviews and Ratings

Put a section of user-generated reviews and ratings to aid purchase decisions and enhance transparency.

8. Diverse Payment Methods

You can support various payment options, including credit cards, digital wallets, and COD.

9. Efficient Cart Management

You can easily add, remove, and modify items in the shopping cart.

10. Order Tracking System

Make sure to put real-time order tracking with status updates for enhanced customer experience.

11. Scheduled Deliveries

You must give an option for users to schedule deliveries at their convenience.

Entering the E-commerce Market

For businesses who are planning to enter the e-commerce market, several key considerations significantly impact success.

Entering the E-commerce Market

1. Market Research

Every great product idea starts with understanding your target audience, competitors, and market trends to identify opportunities and challenges.

2. Product Selection

The market is vast; You must choose a niche or products that align with market demand and offer a competitive edge.

3. Platform Selection

You can decide between established e-commerce platforms or building a custom website based on your business needs and budget.

4. User Experience

You should prioritize a user-friendly interface, seamless navigation, and secure payment options to enhance customer satisfaction in your e-commerce development.

5. Marketing Strategy

You should develop a robust online marketing plan, including SEO, social media, and email campaigns to drive visibility and traffic.

Benefits of E-commerce Apps for Businesses

E-commerce apps offer substantial advantages to businesses, including:

Benefits of E-commerce Apps for Businesses

1. Retention Rate Increase

Mobile e-commerce apps provide a convenient and personalized shopping experience, fostering customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

2. Expanded Target Audience

Mobile apps enable businesses to reach a broader audience, tapping into the growing market of mobile users.

Monetizing Your E-commerce App

To generate revenue from your e-commerce app, consider the following monetization strategies while also keeping in mind e-commerce development costs. 

Monetizing Your E-commerce App

  1. Delivery Fees: You can charge users a fee for the delivery of their purchased products, providing an additional revenue stream while offering convenience. It’s essential to factor in these revenue-generating elements when planning the overall e-commerce app development costs in India.
  2. Commission Fees: You should implement commission structures for sellers using your platform, earning a percentage of each transaction conducted on the app.
  3. Subscription: You can introduce subscription models that offer premium features or exclusive discounts to subscribers in exchange for a recurring fee.
  4. Sponsored Content: You should collaborate with brands to showcase sponsored content within your app, providing a platform for advertising and generating income. The revenue generated through sponsored content can be an important aspect to consider when evaluating the overall e-commerce development cost.

Factors Affecting E-commerce App Development Cost

The cost of developing an e-commerce app in India is influenced by several factors. Let’s see some of it here.

Factors Affecting E-commerce App Development Cost

  1. Feature List: The complexity and extent of features integrated into the app impact development costs.
  2. Platform (Android and iOS): Choosing the mobile platforms for app deployment affects the overall cost, especially when considering e-commerce mobile app development cost in India where platform preferences may differ.
  3. Third-Party Integration: Integration of third-party services or APIs can contribute to the development cost.
  4. Team Size and Location: The size of the development team and their geographic location influence costs, with different regions having varied rates.
  5. Project Timeline: The time allocated for app development can impact costs, with shorter timelines potentially requiring more resources and increasing expenses.

E-commerce Mobile App Cost in India Breakdown

  1. UI/UX Design Costs: Money for how the app looks and feels. It includes wireframing, prototyping, graphic design, etc, contributing to the overall cost of making an e-commerce app.
  2. Development Costs: Spending on building the app, like coding and making it work. It changes based on what the app can do and if it’s for iPhone or Android.
  3. Testing Costs: Checking the app to make sure it works well without any problems. It includes trying different things and making certain the app is good.
  4. Launch Costs: You spend money when we put the app in stores, making sure it works everywhere and fixing any problems.
  5. Project Management: Money for organizing, talking, and making sure the app is done on time and doesn’t cost too much. Additionally, considering the e-commerce app cost in India is essential throughout these stages to manage the overall budget effectively.

Reducing E-commerce App Development Cost in India

To reduce e-commerce app development costs, consider the following strategies:

  1. Choose Open-Source Platforms: Opting for open-source platforms can significantly cut down development costs as these platforms often provide a cost-effective foundation for building e-commerce solutions.
  2. Simplify Design: Streamlining the app’s design by focusing on essential elements can save both time and resources. A minimalist design approach reduces complexity and development efforts.
  3. Prioritize Key Features: Identify and prioritize core features that are crucial for the app’s functionality. This allows developers to focus on essential elements, preventing unnecessary costs associated with additional, non-essential features.
  4. Start with MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Launching an MVP first allows you to test the market with a basic version of the app, gather feedback, and iterate. It helps in reducing initial development costs while ensuring you invest in features that resonate with users.

Get In Touch


We’ve looked into the average cost of making an e-commerce app, breaking down the expenses in design, development, testing, deployment, and management. Knowing these details is crucial for businesses entering the digital market, helping them plan and manage their money wisely. In the ever-changing online business world, having a skilled development team on your side is super important. That’s where Artoon Solutions comes in. They’re good at making apps and can make your e-commerce ideas real.

Ready to bring your e-commerce vision to life? Contact Artoon Solutions today for reliable and cost-effective e-commerce app development.

Let’s build something extraordinary together.

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