Begin Your Reactjs Journey With Create React App Typescript

Create React App Typescript
12 min read

Reactjs is used on over 1.1 million websites worldwide, making it a game-changer for creating user interfaces. If you’re looking to start learning ReactJS, a great tool to use is Create React App TypeScript. This tool is favored by developers for building single-page applications because it combines the productivity of developing your React App with the type safety of TypeScript. Let’s take a closer look at its advantages and why it’s perfect for ReactJS development. Are you ready to dive into ReactJS with ease?

Understanding ReactJS and TypeScript

Let’s have a quick overview of ReactJS and TypeScript. ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used for building dynamic user interfaces. It follows a component-based architecture, making it easy to create reusable UI components and manage application state efficiently.

ReactJS’s virtual DOM is a key advantage, allowing it to update only the necessary parts of the UI for better performance. On the other hand, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. It helps catch type-related errors early, improving code quality and enabling better IDE support.

For React applications, TypeScript brings several benefits. It enhances type safety by catching errors during development, leading to more reliable code. TypeScript also facilitates the creation of reusable React components with explicit props and state types, making code more understandable and maintainable.

In the next sections, we’ll delve into Create your React App with TypeScript to streamline ReactJS development and explore popular React component libraries compatible with TypeScript, offering ready-to-use UI components.

Getting Started with Create React App Project

Create React App is a popular tool for setting up React projects quickly and efficiently. With Create React App, you can bootstrap your React applications with minimal configuration, allowing you to focus on building your project rather than setting up the environment.

Getting Started with Create React App TypeScript

Let’s get you set up and ready to go in no time.

Create React App TypeScript

  1. Install TypeScript: Explore this typescript example by Start installing TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, from the TypeScript website.
  2. Step-by-step TypeScript with React tutorial: Once TypeScript is installed, create a new React app with TypeScript support using the following command in your command line interface:
    npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

    This command sets up a new React app with TypeScript.

  3. Explore TypeScript Documentation: Dive into the official TypeScript documentation to get familiar with the language. It provides detailed explanations, examples, and best practices to help you understand TypeScript better as you start building your React app.

By following these steps and exploring the TypeScript documentation, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage the power of typescript for your react project.

Creating Your First React App with TypeScript

Now that your environment is set up, let’s create your first React app using TypeScript. Here’s how to get started:

Set up the project structure:

Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your command line interface. Run the command create-react-app my-app –template typescript to create a new React app with TypeScript.

Configuring TypeScript:

After creating the project, you’ll find the tsconfig. json file in the project’s root directory. Customize this file according to your project’s requirements by specifying target environment, module resolution, and other compiler options.

Creating a React component:

Open the src/App.tsx file and replace the default code with the following:

import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to My React App</h1>
      <p>This is my first React component with TypeScript!</p>

export default App;

Testing your app:

Run npm start in your project directory to start the development server and open your app in a browser. You should see the welcome message and your React component displayed correctly.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created your first React app with TypeScript. Next, we’ll explore popular React component libraries that seamlessly integrate with TypeScript.

Exploring React Component Libraries with TypeScript

React component libraries are invaluable resources for accelerating development by providing ready-to-use UI components. Let’s explore popular libraries that seamlessly integrate with TypeScript:

React Component Libraries with TypeScript


A widely-used react component library following Material Design guidelines, offering a comprehensive collection of components like navigation bars and data tables. With TypeScript support, it ensures type safety, simplifying development and enabling visually appealing interfaces effortlessly.

Ant Design:

Featuring a wide range of well-designed components such as menus and modals, Ant Design seamlessly integrates with TypeScript for optimal type checking. Its intuitive API and comprehensive documentation make customization easy for beautiful and functional UIs.


A versatile React UI toolkit with well-tested components built with TypeScript, Blueprint provides excellent type definitions for error detection and code maintenance. Its focus on flexibility and accessibility makes it reliable for building inclusive applications.

Chakra UI:

Highly customizable and accessible, Chakra UI offers an extensive collection of components supporting TypeScript. Its comprehensive documentation and intuitive API make customization easy for consistent and visually appealing interfaces.

These libraries, compatible with TypeScript, offer a rich assortment of components for building stunning and functional user interfaces, reducing development time and effort significantly.

Advanced Tips and Tricks for TypeScript with React

Advanced Tips and Tricks for TypeScript with React

Enhance your React development process with advanced tips and tricks for TypeScript:

Type-Checking React Components

  • Define prop types using TypeScript’s static type system to catch potential errors early.
  • Create an interface for component props and specify prop types using type annotations.
  • Implement prop types in the component’s definition for improved reliability.
  • Using TypeScript with React ensures type safety, enhancing reliability and efficiency when working with input element.

Handling Event Callbacks

  • Declare the event object type in event handler functions to ensure proper type inference.
  • Pass the correct event object to event handlers to avoid common mistakes.
  • Access event properties and perform required operations within event handlers for smooth functionality.

Using Decorators for Component Styling

  • Install a TypeScript decorator library like react-css-modules or styled-components.
  • Apply decorators to components to add styling or other functionality without altering their original implementation.
  • Utilize TypeScript’s static analysis to ensure correct application of decorators.

Leveraging TypeScript’s Static Analysis in React Projects

  • Enable strict mode in TypeScript configuration for enhanced error detection.
  • Leverage type inference to reduce the need for explicit type annotations, improving code readability.
  • Use advanced TypeScript features like generics and conditional types to write more expressive and type-safe code.

Experiment with these techniques to elevate your React development skills and leverage TypeScript’s capabilities for improved code quality and maintainability.

Benefits of Create React App TypeScript for Large Project

When starting a new create react app project or either working on existing projects, using TypeScript from the beginning can streamline development and catch potential errors early on.

Benefits of Create React App TypeScript for Large Project

Code Organization: When you add typescript in new project it promotes structured code development, enabling cleaner and more maintainable codebases with TypeScript’s strong typing system.

Scalability: Managing scalability is crucial for growing new projects. TypeScript and React facilitates easier scalability with type safety and improved code maintainability, ensuring a robust and adaptable codebase for a new TypeScript app.

Maintainability: Large project involve multiple teams and developers. Typescript files standardized project structure and static typing foster better collaboration and code maintenance, leading to smoother development processes and reduced chances of conflicts and bugs. Additionally, staying updated with the latest TypeScript version is essential for leveraging new features and improvements.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While developing your React App with TypeScript offers a streamlined development experience, encountering common issues is not uncommon. Let’s address and resolve some of these challenges:

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Installation and Setup: Installing TypeScript may pose challenges, especially for newcomers. We’ll provide tips and solutions to navigate this process smoothly.
  2. Configuration Errors: The TypeScript configuration file is crucial but can be complex. From TypeScript compiler options to project structure, we’ll address common configuration issues with step-by-step solutions.
  3. Common TypeScript Pitfalls: TypeScript brings enhanced type safety and code organization, but it also introduces unique challenges. We’ll discuss common TypeScript pitfalls and strategies to overcome them, ensuring smooth operation of your TypeScript-infused React app.

Optimizing React App Performance with TypeScript

Performance is crucial for React apps, and TypeScript can be instrumental in optimizing it. Let’s explore techniques using TypeScript’s features:

Optimizing React App Performance with TypeScript

1) Type Optimization

Static Typing: TypeScript’s strong typing system ensures type safety, reducing runtime errors and improving performance by eliminating unnecessary type checks.

2) Bundling and Minification

Bundling: Use tools like Webpack or Rollup to bundle application code, reducing HTTP requests and improving loading times.

Minification: Minify code to reduce file size by eliminating unnecessary spaces, comments, and variable names, enhancing performance.

3) Leveraging TypeScript Features

Module System and Tree Shaking: TypeScript’s module system and tree shaking help eliminate unused code, reducing bundle size and improving performance.

Advanced TypeScript Features: Utilize features like conditional types and mapped types to streamline data handling and enhance runtime performance.

4) Optimizing React Component Rendering

Correct Prop Types: Ensure correct prop types using TypeScript’s static type checking to optimize rendering.

Component Lifecycles: Optimize component lifecycles for efficient rendering and performance.

State Management: Efficiently handle state management to improve rendering performance.

By leveraging TypeScript’s features and best practices, you can significantly optimize the performance of your React app.

Testing and Debugging TypeScript-Infused React Apps

Testing and debugging are crucial for ensuring the reliability and quality of new typescript app built with react. Let’s explore effective strategies for testing and debugging:

1) The Importance of Testing and Debugging

Testing: Verify component behavior and meet requirements systematically.

Debugging: Identify and fix issues during development or in production.

2) Unit Testing for React Apps

Unit Testing: Test individual units of code, like React components or functions, in isolation.

Utilize testing libraries like Jest and React Testing Library for comprehensive unit testing.

3) Snapshot Testing with Create React App TypeScript

Snapshot Testing: Capture and compare component output against saved snapshots.

Integrated seamlessly with Jest to detect visual regressions and ensure UI consistency.

4) Leveraging TypeScript’s Static Type Checking for Bug Prevention

Static Type Checking: Explicitly define variable types to catch potential bugs early in development.

Ensure all components and functions declare their expected input and output types.

5) Debugging Techniques for TypeScript-Infused React Apps

Browser Debugging: Utilize modern browsers’ integrated debugging tools for effective debugging.

Chrome and Firefox offer powerful debugging capabilities for TypeScript code.

TypeScript Compiler Watch Mode: Continuously monitor changes in your codebase to provide instant feedback on potential type errors during development.

Immediate feedback aids in identifying and resolving issues efficiently.

Why To Choose Artoon Solutions as Your Best Reactjs Development Company?

Artoon Solutions stands out as the best Reactjs Development Company due to its top-notch services, experienced team of professionals, awesome portfolio of single page app developed for many businesses, expertise in new technologies, and dedication to delivering high-quality solutions for clients’ business needs.


In summary, Create React App project TypeScript offers streamlined development for ReactJS projects, empowering developers to create efficient and maintainable Single Page Applications. By combining the simplicity of developing React application with the robustness of TypeScript, developers can write cleaner code, catch errors early, and build scalable applications with ease. With comprehensive documentation and strong community support, Developing React application with TypeScript is the ideal solution to unleash the full potential of ReactJS development.


1. How do I create a React TypeScript app?
React TypeScript apps can be created by using Create React App with TypeScript template.

2. Can TypeScript be used with React?
Yes, TypeScript can be used with React to add static typing and other benefits.

3. What can I use instead of create-react-app TypeScript?
Alternatives to include Next.js, Parcel, and Webpack.

4. Is create-react-app no longer maintained?
No, It is still maintained by Facebook organization.

5. How does TypeScript enhance React development?
TypeScript improves React development by providing static typing, which helps catch errors early, enhances code readability, and facilitates easier refactoring.

6. How to Use TypeScript in React Apps?
Implement TypeScript in React apps to enhance code quality and maintainability.

7. Adding TypeScript to existing create-react-app app
TypeScript can be added to an existing create-react-app project by installing necessary dependencies and configuring the project.

8. How to Create Reactjs App with Typescript?
Developing Reactjs App with TypeScript can be initialized using the command npx create-react-app my-app –template typescript.

9. Is TypeScript good for React?
Yes, TypeScript is beneficial for React as it provides static typing, improved code maintainability, and enhanced developer productivity.

10. Can I use TypeScript with React?
Absolutely, TypeScript can be seamlessly integrated with React to leverage its benefits such as static typing and better code organization.

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