Ways To Make Your Next Layover Or Flight Delay More Enjoyable

Traveling by air can be fun and exciting. There’s the planning and anticipation about where you will visit and what you will experience when you land at your destination. When you have a layover or a dreaded flight delay, there are ways to ensure you have fun despite the stress and long waits. Read on to learn more.

Play a Simple Game

One of the age-old and timeless solo games is solitaire. While you can certainly bring a deck of cards on your travels, where would you find a space large enough to lay out your cards and play without being bumped in an airport? There probably isn’t any. This is why you should embrace an online solitaire game to keep you occupied. 

Once you start playing, you will be amazed at how quickly time passes. And the great thing about a game of digital solitaire is that you can play it anywhere and long after your travels are over. 

Find a Quiet Place

Sometimes taking a nap equates to happiness. If you find yourself with a scheduled overnight layover or an inconvenient flight delay, regardless of the time, you may need some quality shut-eye. You might not be aware of this little secret: There are sleeping areas in many airports! Oftentimes sleeping mats, blankets, and pillows are available for the weary traveler. 

Bringing your own travel blanket and pillow is advisable. If you are traveling solo, link your luggage together with carabiners and always be wary of your surroundings.

Get Some Exercise

Just because you’re confined in an enclosed space does not mean you cannot get up and move. Research the airport in advance if you know there will be a long layover or once you learn of your flight delay. Many large airports have yoga rooms, and some even have full gyms. If you prefer, go for a walk. There are miles of ground to cover in most airports so you can get your daily steps in and then some. If your luggage is not conducive to lots of movement, you can usually find a locker to rent for an hour or two to stash it away safely.

If you think a little exercise will be on the itinerary during your time at the airport, always plan ahead. Bring comfortable shoes or walking shoes and exercise clothing in your carry-on. Pack some appropriate toiletries, as well, so you can refresh afterward.

Explore the Shops

Even if you don’t need anything or don’t plan on making a purchase, window shopping can be an entertaining way to pass the time in an airport. Many airports have shops that support local artisans and authors. Others offer historical insight into the area by way of unique signage, displays, and books. If nothing else, you can always add to your fridge magnet collection of places you’ve visited while perusing interesting wares. And yes, airports do count. 

Should you find the perfect thing that you simply must have, be mindful of how much space you have in your luggage. As an alternative, ask the proprietor if they can mail your goods to your home to make it easier.

Leave the Airport

If you have enough time to leave the airport and return in time to make your next flight, you should consider exploring the local area. Find an airport locker to stash your luggage while you are out. You don’t want to lug it with you and risk the potential of leaving it behind.  

Connect with a rideshare or use public transportation to explore. In small towns and cities, the number of rideshare drivers may be limited. Ask the rideshare driver to pick you up at a specified time and location to make sure you arrive back at the airport with enough time to navigate your way through security and get to the gate with time to spare. 

Talk With Someone

In this world where everyone is consistently facing their screens, consider moving your countenance in a different direction. Take notice of the people around you. You never know when the opportunity will present itself to meet someone new. 

People are fascinating, and so are you. They come from all walks of life and have unique experiences. The person sitting next to you in the lounge could be your new best friend or simply someone with whom you can pass the time. Be advised: Steer clear of incendiary topics such as politics and religion.

Carry-On Only

Air travel is fraught with uncertainty. Anything from a mechanical failure to a storm in another part of the country can affect your scheduled itinerary. When you check your bags, you run the risk of not having access to them when you need to or even having them arrive at your destination before or after you do. 

If you’re able, do your best to pack as efficiently as possible. Placing all your travel belongings into one carry-on and one personal bag means less stress. Select mix and max clothing that will suit multiple occasions. Wear one pair of comfortable shoes and pack another. Decant your toiletries into TSA-approved toiletry containers so you will have everything you need at hand. 

Pack Snacks

There will be times when you’re stuck in an airport where the food stands and restaurants are closed or sorely lacking in options. Avoid the hangries by always packing snacks. A handful of granola bars, an apple or two, and a bag of trail mix won’t take up too much room and will last a while if you don’t eat them right away. 

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Air travel can be frustrating, to be sure, but when you plan, prepare, and keep an open mind, you’ll have a better experience overall.

Do your best to make every part of your travels as enjoyable as possible. Ultimately, you get to decide whether you have fun or not. Play some solitaire, meet new people, go for a walk, and have fun. It’s better than the alternative.