How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like Carrom Clash?

Carrom Clash
7 min read

Carrom is a board game that brings the ultimate fun, thrill, and excitement to the table whenever it is played. Carrom is a great way to improve your hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking skills. Artoon Solutions is one of the leading carrom board game development companies in India and has delivered many board games like carrom clash, for example, Chess, 8 Ball Pool, Snakes & Ladders, etc. Also, Artoon Solutions has developed Carrom Game for the Multi-Gaming App 3Plus Games

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Carrom Clash is a fun and challenging game that suits all age groups of players. You must be wondering about the cost of developing an app like carrom clash, isn’t it? Well, the cost of a gaming app depends on many factors. Let’s find out what they are! 

What is the cost of Carrom App Development? 

The minimum cost for Carrom Game App Development starts from USD 25,000 with basic features. The price may further increase depending on the features, functionalities, and client’s SoW – Scope of Work. By looking at the SoW document, the client’s demands can be maximized, which may influence the cost of the Carrom Game App. 

Cost Factors of Developing an App Like Carrom Clash

Cost Factors of Developing an App Like Carrom Clash

1) Game Development Company

There is always a race going on between freelancers and qualified IT professionals in game app development. The competition is even more challenging, especially with the latest AI innovations like ChatGPT and Bard. So, which option would you prefer, a freelancer or a game development company? Let’s explore… 

A game development company always has an edge over freelancers due to the vast opportunities and extended offers they provide. Freelance developers have limited resources and often lack qualified tools and devices to ensure the game app is Bug-free. Freelance developers can be costly, considering each section will have a different price attached to it. 

On the other hand, game development companies have in-house teams of qualified experts that ensure the game is QA-checked throughout the development process and gives a seamless experience to users. So it is always recommended to select reliable game development companies for lower risk and higher success rates. 

2) MVP Development

The Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a blueprint or replica of the app that is launched as a trial product before the final launch. With MVP, many parts of the game can be checked, rectified, and new features can be added/removed according to requirements specified by the client. It saves a lot of unnecessary wastage of money and time. Here is how it is done. 

Version 1: Study the gaming market before designing a Carrom game. The focus should be on the current market trends, the game’s popularity in the targeted location, and the audience’s response to this particular game. 

Version 2: If the game gives a stable performance, more features can be added. By doing this, the user base grows subsequently and saves money. MVP saves development costs by indicating what needs to be removed and what needs to be improved in the game. 

Read More: Why Your Business Needs To Hire Expert Carrom Game Development Company

3) App Complexity

The more complex app’s features and functionalities, the more complex it is to develop. Carrom games with well-defined user needs will be more budget-friendly than a Carrom game with premium features throughout. 

Features & Functionalities

Carrom has been a popular board game for a long time. But when it is designed for mobile, the features & functionalities should not be compromised. All the usual game aspects should be present in the game, including the rules. 

Examples of Carrom Game Features: 

  • Multiple Playing Modes (Single Player, Multi-Player, Tournament, Bot)
  • Multi-lingual Support
  • User Dashboard
  • In-App Purchases
  • Events & Competitions
  • Audio/Video Chat Feature

Game Design

Customized game design is one of the important aspects of the Carrom board game. Allowing users to change board designs, striker color, and other parts of the game significantly boosts the game’s user experience.  

Game Development

4) Integration of Real Money

With the integration of Real Money, Carrom Board Game becomes twice exciting, thrilling, and competitive among gamers. It allows users to earn real money by winning either single-player, multiplayer, or tournament/events. Integration of Real Money is a complex and costly approach for Carrom game development. Here, the payment gateway, faster transactions, multiple payment options, and every other factor related to payment need to be overlooked closely. Thus, there are higher chances of an increase in development costs. 

Read More: Why Business Needs To Hire a Carrom Game Development Company

5) Game Security 

Hacking mobile accounts is not a big deal in 2023. Users try to get into the game mechanism by using pirated approaches or hacking it to top charts. 

Strong security measures should be followed to retain users for a long time and improve the trustworthiness of the game app. This way, users won’t feel insecure about sharing a few personal details while logging into the game. 

Read More: How to develop real money board game carrom like Carromclash?

6) OS Platform

There are 3 primary operating systems to consider when developing game applications: Web, Android, and iOS. Developing the Carrom game app for separate OS platforms (Android or iOS) will increase the development cost. 

On the flip side, developing a cross-platform carrom game app with Unity can be an intelligent and cost-saving approach. Also, not to forget Unity offers excellent flexibility and rich tools, which will further enhance the quality of the game app. 

Also Read: Why Business Needs To Hire a Carrom Game Development Company 

7) Marketing & Promotions

Once the game is launched on the market, users need to know, users need to notice, and users need to get attracted to the game to have a successful run in the online gaming market. Marketing & Promotions play a significant role in increasing the global presence of the game app. 

All these marketing strategies lead to higher conversion rates. Thus, a higher success rate and more revenue. However, paid marketing, advertising, and SEO+SMO may increase the development cost as these are not free. 

Also Read: Chess Game Development Cost and Features

Get in Touch

The Bottom Line!

So, what are your thoughts? Would you develop a Carrom game app after knowing all the major cost factors? In the last 3 years, the growth of Carrom games has been one of the talking points. It is your chance to grow and succeed in the ever-evolving online gaming market. 

Artoon Solutions is a prominent game development company in India with 14+ years of experience in the game development field. Our 200+ in-house qualified team ensures we deliver top-class gaming solutions to our clients. 

Let’s plan your Carrom Game App Now!

Contact Us!

Carrom Game Development Cost: FAQs

1) What factors affect the cost of Carrom Game Development?

The major cost factors are game design, unique feature development, integration of real money, game security, and effective marketing. 

2) What are the benefits of developing a Carrom Game? 

Carrom is a popular game worldwide and can be expected to gain a large chunk of downloads once launched online. Also, Carrom Game Development doesn’t require any out-of-the-box skills, so it is comparatively easy and inexpensive to develop. 

3) How Much Does It Cost To Develop an App Like Carrom Clash? 

The minimum cost for Carrom App Development starts from USD 25,000 with basic features. 

4) Does Marketing & Promotion play a large role in acquiring new users? 

Yes, they do. Through marketing & promotion on social media, acquiring new users becomes easier.

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