Fitness Tracking App Like Google Fit: A Complete Guide

Fitness Tracking App Like Google Fit
10 min read

Are you looking to develop a similar app to Google Fit fitness app? Not sure, How? You’ve landed in the right place. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Fitness Tracking App Like Google Fit plays a massive role in keeping track of personal fitness. Nowadays, people have become aware of their health and wellness. With the evolution of technology and wearable devices, fitness app like Google Fit are becoming a part of our lives. 

What is Google Fit?

Google Fit is a fitness-tracking application developed by Google. It makes a significant impact on the fitness app market. Google Fit became so popular that it created a demand for similar fitness apps. If you’re an Entrepreneur and want to enter the fitness market, this blog is for you! We aim to provide a comprehensive guide on how to make a fitness app like Google Fit from concept to launch. We’ll walk you through the entire process to turn your idea into reality.

Let’s dive in!

Fitness tracking applications and their primary features

Fitness-tracking apps are mobile applications to track users’ physical activity, workout regimens, sleeping patterns, heart rate monitoring, etc. When the app is integrated with wearable devices, you can measure fitness-related information like step count, distance travel, calorie burn, heart rate, sleep pattern, etc. A Fitness App’s main objective is to show users real-time progress of their fitness and help them adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Core Functionalities of Fitness Tracking Apps

  1. Activity Tracking: The essential feature of a fitness tracking app is to monitor and record physical activities done by users throughout the day. It includes walking, running, cycling, swimming, and other exercises.
  2. Health Metric Monitoring: Fitness apps mainly integrate with wearable devices to track health metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep duration, etc. 
  3. Calorie and Nutrition tracking: Some fitness apps offer tracking calorie intake and nutrition features that can help maintain a balanced diet and manage weight effectively.
  4. Goal setting and Progress tracking: Users can set personal goals like gaining weight or losing weight and work on progress towards being fit. 
  5. Social sharing: The fitness tracking app allows the feature of sharing their goal with friends (social) circle and can invite friends/family to join the fitness challenges, which makes them more motivated to work towards their goal.

Fitness Tracking Apps

Benefits of Using Fitness Tracking Apps for Users

  1. Increased Awareness: The fitness tracking app’s data provide users with health metrics that make them more conscious of their lifestyle.
  2. Motivation and Accountability: Users stay motivated by setting targeted goals on the App and remain committed to the fitness journey through notification reminders.
  3. Data-driven decision-making: Users can make informed decisions about their fitness goals by using data analyzed by fitness apps for better fitness results.
  4. Remote Accessibility: User can access their fitness data anytime, anywhere, which is best for users to stay on top of their fitness goals whether they’re traveling or away from home. 

Top 5 Fitness Tracking App like Google Fit in 2023

App Name Android & iOS Install Link Rating Number of Downloads (Approx.)

Android | iOS




Android | iOS




Android | iOS



Nike Training Club

Android | iOS




Android | iOS



Fitness Tracking Apps like Google Fit

Fitness App Development Services and Companies

In this competitive world, Choosing the right approach for building your fitness app is crucial for its success. Let’s explore the benefits of outsourcing app development to specialized fitness app development services or companies.

How to Make a Fitness Tracking App Like Google Fit: Main Process Steps

Designing the User Interface (UI):

Creating an engaging and user-friendly user interface(UI) is a primary step in developing your fitness tracking app. The UI bridges your App’s features and users, making their experience intuitive and enjoyable. 

Wireframing and Prototyping:

Before diving into full development mode, You can begin with wireframing and prototyping.

Wireframing: Create a basic visual representation of each screen’s layout, which will help to define the placement of elements. 

Prototyping: Develop interactive prototypes that showcase how users navigate and interact with the App.

Read More: How to Develop a Fitness App Like Strava?

Selecting the Technology Stack

The choice of technology stack influences the App’s performance, efficiency, and user experience. So, Choosing the right technology stack for Custom Fitness App Development is essential. 

In fitness app development, choosing the right tech stack and platform is an essential part of the process. Choosing the right platform like iOS development, Android Development, or Both Platforms (iOS and Android). Here are some of the most trending technology we use :

Frontend: React, React Native 

Backend: Node.js, PHP – Codeigniter

Database: MongoDB, MySQL

Cloud: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker

Selecting the Technology Stack

Native Development Vs Cross-Platform Framework

Native Development: If you opt for native development, we have to build separate codebases for each platform(iOS and Android). This approach offers superfast performance & better access to device features and a seamless experience. But it is more time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Cross-Platform Frameworks: Cross-Platform frameworks like React Native allow us to develop a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms. But there’s a minimalistic performance impact and some limitations in accessing certain native features. 

Google Fit Integration Compatibility:

Considering your App’s compatibility with Google Fit is crucial to capitalize on its integration capabilities. Ensure that the chosen technology stack supports easy Integration with Google Fit’s APIs to enable seamless data synchronization.

Google Fit’s API integration

It is essential to contact Fitness App Development Agency to build top-notch core functionality to build top-notch customer fitness apps like Google Fit. 

Essential development features are Activity Tracking Features, Health Metrics Monitoring & Personalized Goal Setting.

Activity Tracking: This feature helps to track various physical activities such as Steps taken, distance covered, and workout duration.

Health Metrics Monitoring: This feature enables users to monitor vital signs like heart rate, sleep patterns, and stress level for a holistic health overview.

Personalized Goal Settings: These are essential features that allow users to set customized fitness goals based on their preferences and objectives.

Data Accuracy and Real-Time Updates:

Data Accuracy: Prioritize accuracy in data collection and calculations, which can provide users with reliable insights.

Real-Time Updates: Implement real-time updates for activity progress and health metrics to keep users engaged and motivated.

Integrating Google Fit:

While working with a Fitness App development firm to build fitness apps that work with Google Fit, it is crucial to integrate Google Fit.

Exploring Google Fit Integration: 

Understanding Google Fit’s APIs: You must understand Google Fit’s API documentation to learn how data synchronization and integration work.

Data Consolidation: Highlight the benefits of integrating Google Fit, such as enabling users to consolidate data from various sources into a centralized platform.

API Integration: Implement the necessary code to connect your App with Google Fit’s APIs that will allow the seamless transfer of fitness and health data.

Testing and Quality Assurance:

Data accuracy, user experience, and app performance are critical phases. You need to make sure everything is working fine before launching your App. To address that, we need to do fitness app development testing.

Test each feature & functionality to identify critical bugs, glitches, or any inconsistencies. Conduct a user-centric test to ensure that the App is easy to use and to know about user satisfaction. Check compatibility across various devices and platforms.

Launching Your Fitness App:

Once you complete the quality analysis of your App, the final and most crucial step is to launch your fitness app. It is good to take the help of a Fitness App Development Company for your launching process if you’re inexperienced with this process. It will help you to follow best practices.

1) App Store Submission:

Outlining the App Store Submission Process:

Preparation: Gather all required assets, including app icons, screenshots, descriptions, and promotional materials. 

Guidelines Review: Familiarize yourself with the guidelines of the respective app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store) to ensure compliance.

launching on play store

2) Importance of following Guidelines:

Smooth Approval Process: Following guidelines increases your App’s approval process without unnecessary delays.

User Trust: Apps that meet guidelines reflect professionalism and instill trust among users.

Marketing and User Acquisition:

Social Media Promotion: Promote your App through popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook & Twitter to create a buzz around your App’s launching.

Content Marketing: You can create valuable content related to fitness and wellness to make brand awareness for App’s authority

App Store Optimization (ASO):

Optimized Descriptions and Keywords: use relevant keywords to enhance the App’s discoverability & craft excellent app descriptions for your fitness app.


In this comprehensive guide, we covered the primary process of developing a fitness app Like Google Fit, from creating the UI to launching the App successfully. Are you excited to build a custom fitness app that can fit your audience well? Let’s take a step forward & start your fitness app development journey by contacting an expert Fitness App Development Firm like Artoon Solutions today. Let’s connect!


Why should you consider developing a custom fitness app like Google Fit?

Starting a fitness app give broad opportunity in the growing health and wellness industry. Custom apps allow you to build features according to your target audience’s unique needs, fostering user engagement and loyalty.

What’s the estimated cost of developing a custom fitness app?

The cost varies based on app complexity, features, technology stack, development team, and timeline. It’s recommended to consult with experienced app development firms like Artoon Solutions for accurate cost estimates.

Does Google Fit automatically track steps?

Yep, Google Fit automatically logs your steps and many other activities.

Is Google Fit accurate?

It’s generally accurate, but like any app, small variations might occur.

Is Google Fit completely free?

Google Fit is free to use.

Which fitness apps are integrated with Google Fit?

Several apps like Strava, MyFitnessPal, and Nike Training Club sync with Google Fit.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Fitness App like Google Fit?

The cost varies widely based on features and complexity. Our minimum fitness app development cost start from USD 18000, which may increase according to development needs & features requested by the client.

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