How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App like MPL?

cost to develop an app like MPL
9 min read

Multi Gaming Platforms like MPL are at the forefront of the gaming industry. If looking at the most popular and successful brands in the gaming industry, they all have a Multi-Gaming Platform (MGP). Artoon Solutions has developed games for MPL, HD Works (A23), Flipkart, Zupee, Batball11 (ITlion), 3Plus Games, COG (Circle of Games), Team18 Play (Clearbit API), JP Funware (RummyXL), Kubera, Junglee Games, YooZoo Games. If you are wondering about the Cost to Develop an App like MPL, Artoon Solutions can provide you with accurate estimates and expert guidance for your gaming app project.

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What is a Multi-Gaming Platform? 

A multi-gaming platform is best described as a a single app holding multiple games. Gamers are met with multiple games in single app. A Multi-Gaming Platform app can hold over 50 games in the same app, eliminating the need for the the device owner to download over 50 games individually!    

It offers the player the ability to switch to a different game using a few clicks There would be no need to have to wait for excessively long loading times to start playing.        

Multi-Gaming Platforms are especially suitable in instances when you are sure that you will be developing several games and would like to undertake it in a cost-efficient manner. 

Why You Need a Multi-Gaming Platform in 2023? 

Multi-Gaming Platforms have become extremely popular in the last two years, their popularity are only going to increase going forward and there are several reasons that confirm this. 

Certain factors make Multi-Gaming Platforms the ideal offering for users with ever-changing preferences: 

  • Reduced space on mobile devices
  • Need for more game options 
  • Want to play more games 
  • Unwillingness to wait for long loading times

Multi Gaming platforms are at the center of the gaming industry at the moment. 

cost to develop an app like MPL

What Determines the Cost to Develop an App like MPL

Cost to develop an app like MPL starts from minimum of $40000 (USD) and it may vary based on several factors. These factors are usually stated in the Scope of Work (SOW) document. The SOW will have details of the deliverables the client wants and that the development company will have to integrate into the solution.

The technical team of the game development company will take this detailed document and estimate what resources will be required, the time necessary for each expert to work on and complete the project, and then a time estimation can be drawn up. 

From the time estimate, a cost estimation can be determined.      

Of course, this estimate can fluctuate, depending on certain changes during development or unforeseen circumstances. 

Also Read: Top 10 Multigaming Apps like MPL to Earn Money

Other factors influencing the cost of developing MPL game apps: 

a) Expert Team:

Increasing the number of experts and overall team size can relate to higher development costs.   

b) Customization:

Making customizations will be a sure way to attract users, especially those from other apps that aren’t as appealing.   

c) Tech Stack:

Choosing a different tech stack is also enough to drive up costing if resources in that technology are few and far to come by. 

d) Features:

The more features included in the Multi-Gaming Platform the better for your users. However, some features take longer to integrate, this could further increase the cost.  

Let us look closer at all the factors in detail to determine how they affect the outcome cost of developing an app like MPL.  

1) Expert Team 

Developing a multigaming platform app will involve a variety of experts. Indian app developers cost much less than developers anywhere else in the world. Each one is skilled in a specific speciality.  

Each one of these experts will work on a certain part of the Multi-Gaming Platform, be it developing, testing, designing, or any other process.

Typically, a multigaming platform requires a team of experts including the following experts:

  • Project Manager
  • UI/UX Designer  
  • Developers
  • Testers / QA Engineer  

Each of these experts will be responsible for a certain role in the project and lacking that member or the right number of experts in a speciality role can be problem.  

2) Customization

The term customization can refer to many things. It could refer to designing, or it could be pertaining to features that only your multigaming platform possesses.  

Customization will extract an extra cost because it means that the development company will have to add/develop some extra elements and then integrate them into the app. Often, this also means that the same developers developing the app will have to undertake these customizations. 

This will lead to a slight delay as employing a team too large is not worthwhile or logical. Thus, it is best to just accommodate a slight delay when requiring customizations.     

3) Technologies 

There are countless technologies circulating at the moment, choose a development partner who uses the technology that best suits the requirements. Each project is different, catering to a different audience and their preferences.  

Node.JS- Back-end

React Native- Front-end

MongoDB- Database

Unity- Front-end

Artoon Solutions is highly skilled in the above technologies that are appropriate for game development, making for an ideal MultiGaming Platform app development company to develop your next investment with.  

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4) Top Features 

How much money to develop an app like MPL will definitely be heavily dependent on the number and complexity of features that are to be developed for the app.  

a) Account Creation / Login

The first and most crucial feature is to allow users to be able to create an account and then, to be able to login to that account. Provide users with a few options, to login using:

  • Mobile no and password
  • Mobile no and OTP
  • Email and password
  • Email and OTP 

Once the user is logged in, they must be given the option to view and update/edit their account details.  

b) Appealing UI  

User interface plays an important role since its ease of use will be what users remember about your app. If it isn’t decent, user count will drop and players will not find using your app very pleasant. 

Implementing your own unique design will extend development time while also requiring design experts. However, this is an advisable move seeing as you don’t want to be a copycat!   

c) Currencies

Many games make use of an in-game currency. But, with skill-based games, using real-money is legal and now a widespread occurrence in India. Adopting both is usually an option several games use. 

After seeking permissions and connections, you can offer real-money as a currency and even gather several payment solutions partners. This will offer players multiple payment options when it comes time to deposit money onto the platform.  

d) Game Tutorial 

New players will need a tutorial or pointing tips when playing or rather using your multigaming platform for the very first time ever.      

Getting players to use the platform properly from the beginning will have a direct impact on the success of your Multi-Gaming Platform and its position in the market at a later stage.     

e) Player Communication 

A means of communicating in a mobile game has been highly useful in making gaming enjoyable and a more social activity. Addition of a text chat or voice chat feature will go far in ensuring that players can communicate with each other.    

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1) Can a MultiGaming Platform hold games from multiple game genres?

Yes, MultiGaming Platforms are able to cater to multiple game genres. You can choose to have Card games, Casino games, Board games, Fantasy Sports games, Puzzle games, and Quiz games. 

2) How much time does it take to develop an app like MPL?

Time taken to develop an app like MPL depends on what your requirements are. If you require a custom solutions, your app may have to be developed from scratch. But, if you require a general app, a white label solution may be available which can be deliver much faster than an app from scratch. 

3) Are real–money games legal in India? 

Yes, real money games are legal in India as long as they are applied to games that are majorly skill-based games. Luck-based games that include real-money are not legal.     


Artoon Solutions has a wide amount of experience in website, app, and game development, 14 years to be exact. We have experience in developing standalone games and have even worked with many of the biggest brands in the gaming industry including MPL  who has a successful Multi-Gaming Platform.   

Now when you know the minimum cost to develop an app like MPL, what better idea than to choose Artoon Solutions, the developer behind several of MPL’s games to develop your Multi Gaming Platform. 

If you are ready to develop a MultiGaming Platform, Contact us. 

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