How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Healthcare App?

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Healthcare App?
12 min read

The global healthcare IT market, which was worth 167.7 billion US dollars in 2022 is expected to witness remarkable growth in the coming years. With the rising demand for innovative solutions in the healthcare industry, including healthcare app development, the market is projected to grow by an impressive 17.9% annually until 2030.  This growth is being driven by several factors, including the increasing use of digital technologies in healthcare, the aging population, and the rise of chronic diseases.

The current generation is aware of their physical and mental health, and they’re improving it daily to stay best in shape. And ultimately, digitization increases and the demand to build a healthcare app increases.

Benefits of Mobile Technology in Healthcare

Mobile Technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by offering many benefits for patients and doctors. With the increased use of smartphones and mobile apps, integrating mobile technology into healthcare has transformed how healthcare services are delivered. Let’s explore the significant benefits of mobile technology in healthcare.

Benefits of Mobile Technology in Healthcare

  • Engagement: Apps keep patients involved by giving them info and tools anytime. They remind you about appointments and meds and offer learning materials.
  • Convenience: Apps make healthcare more accessible. They help book appointments, refill prescriptions, and talk to doctors.
  • Communication: Apps improve patient-doctor talk. They allow secure messages, video calls, and monitoring from a distance.
  • Better Care: Apps boost care quality. They show real-time health data, help with ongoing issues, and give personalized care plans.
  • Cost Savings: Apps cut costs by being efficient and needing fewer in-person visits.
  • Healthier Results: Apps help patients manage their health better, leading to improved outcomes.

Different Kinds of Health Apps

More than 55,000 healthcare apps are available in the Google Play Store, and more than 41,00 medical apps are available on the app store.

Healthcare apps can be divided into three categories patients, doctors, and healthcare facilities. 

Types of Healthcare Apps

For Patients For Doctors For Healthcare Facilities
Appointment scheduling apps Electronic Health Record (EHR) Apps Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems
Telemedicine apps Telemedicine Apps Patient Portal Apps
Health Record apps Prescription Management Apps Staff Communication and Collaboration Apps
symptom checker apps Diagnostic Imaging Apps Medical Inventory Management Apps
Mental health apps Medical News Aggregator Apps Laboratory Information Systems Apps
Women’s health apps Healthcare Collaboration Apps Emergency Preparedness Apps
Remote monitoring apps Quality Improvement and Reporting Apps
Emergency assistance apps Patient Check-in and Registration Apps
Healthcare education apps Billing and Revenue Cycle Management Apps

How much does it cost to build a healthcare app? 

The world is growing towards tech; in 2023, many things changed when AI entered the play. AI replaces many places. We can use AI for some general cure related to our health or any other queries. With the rise of AI and tech, people want everything to be at their fingertips, not just for flexibility but for the better of human beings, to provide better services to humanity in the healthcare industry.

To make things easier for patients, doctors, and healthcare staff, it’s essential to stay synchronized and aware of what’s coming next because the healthcare industry is where people come with their pain to doctors to make them healthy and some suffering from life and death situations. Mobile applications in the healthcare industry are rising consistently. 

It is crucial to develop healthcare apps to meet these expectations and provide improved services to humanity in the healthcare industry. These apps can significantly impact patients, doctors, and healthcare staff. Ultimately, one question arises, “How much does it cost to build a healthcare app?”

Read More: Hire Healthcare App Developers? A Comprehensive Guide

Healthcare App Development for Patient

Healthcare App Development for Patient

1) Appointment scheduling app

These scheduling apps allow patients to book and manage appointments with doctors. 

Features to look at:

  • Easy Booking and Management
  • Reminders and Notifications
  • Calendar Integration
  • Telehealth Integration
  • Waitlist Option

2) Telemedicine App

These apps allow patients to have virtual appointments with healthcare professionals (Doctors) via video, voice, or chat. It is handy for non-emergency medical advice and follow-up appointments.

Features to look at:

  • Virtual Consultation
  • Video and voice calls
  • Chat services
  • Prescription Renewals
  • Medical history access

3) Health Record App

It helps patients to store and access their medical records, including test results, diagnoses, and treatment histories. Some apps also support sharing these records with healthcare professionals securely. 

Features to look at:

  • Medical Info Storage
  • Access Anywhere
  • Secure Sharing

4) Symptom Checker Apps

This app gives information about common medical symptoms and possible causes. It will help users decide whether they should need medical treatment.

Features to look at:

  • Symptom Info
  • Cause Exploration
  • Medical Guidance

5) Mental Health App

This kind of app offers tools and resources to support emotional well-being. It will include meditation guides, mood trackers, relaxation exercises, and access to licensed therapists.

Features to look at:

  • Mediation Guides
  • Mood Tracking
  • Relaxation Exercises
  • Therapist Access
  • Self-Care Resources

6) Women’s Health Apps

In this app, women will be able to track their health needs, view menstrual cycles, monitor fertility, and support pregnancy with breastfeeding guidance.

Features to look at:

  • Cycle Tracking
  • Fertility Monitoring
  • Pregnancy support
  • Breastfeeding Guidance

7) Remote Monitoring App

These apps connect to wearable devices or sensors to track vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels. This data is shared with healthcare professionals for remote monitoring.

Features to look at:

  • Wearable connectivity
  • Vital Sign tracking
  • Healthcare sharing

8) Emergency Assistance App

These apps provide quick access to emergency services, including calling 112, sharing your location, and providing essential medical information in emergencies.

Features to look at:

  • 112 Calling
  • Location Sharing
  • Medical Info

9) Healthcare Gamification App

These apps use game-like features to motivate users to adopt healthier behaviors and stick to treatment plans. It makes managing health more engaging and enjoyable.

Features to look at:

  • Interactive challenges
  • Rewards and Achievements
  • Progress Tracking
  • Educational Content
  • Community Engagement

Healthcare App Development for Doctors

Healthcare App Development for Doctors

1) Electronic Health Record (EHR) App

These apps allow doctors to digitally access and update patients’ medical records. Doctors can view patients’ histories, lab results, medications, and treatment plans, making it easier to provide comprehensive care.

Features to look at:

  • Digital Records
  • Medical History
  • Lab Results
  • Medication Info
  • Treatment Plans

2) Telemedicine App

Just like this app is for patients, it is also for doctors, allowing them to conduct virtual consultations with patients, making it easier for doctors to provide healthcare remotely.

Features to look at:

  • Virtual Consultations
  • Patient Interactions
  • Prescription Renewals
  • Medical History Access
  • Flexible Scheduling

3) Prescription Management App

Doctors can use these apps to prescribe medications digitally, check for drug interactions, and send prescriptions directly to pharmacies.

Features to look at:

  • Digital Prescriptions
  • Drug Interaction Checks
  • Pharmacy Communications
  • Dosage Instructions

4) Diagnostic Imaging App

Diagnostic imaging apps help radiologists to view and analyze X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans on mobile devices.

Features to look at:

  • Image Viewing
  • Zoom and Manipulation
  • Comparison Tools
  • Secure Access

5) Medical News Aggregator App

It is an app that complies with news, research, and updates in healthcare. It keeps professionals and researchers updated on medical app developments. 

Features to look at:

  • News Compilation
  • Research Updates
  • Easy Access
  • Customization 
  • Timely Updates

6) Healthcare Collaboration App

It can help to make secure communication between doctors, nurses, and professionals within a hospital or clinic to communicate better.

Features to look at:

  • Secure Messaging
  • Team Collaboration
  • File Sharing
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Patient Privacy

Healthcare App for Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare App for Healthcare Facilities

1) Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems

EHR systems are digital platforms used by hospitals to keep patient information which they can store, manage, and access digital information digitally. It will improve patient care coordination, streamline workflows, and enhance data accuracy.

Features to look at:

  • Digital Records
  • Care Coordination
  • Efficient Workflows
  • Accurate Data
  • Data Security

2) Patient Portal App

These apps provide patients with secure access to their medical information, appointment details, and communication with doctors. It will make interaction easier with patients.

Features to look at:

  • Medical Infor Access
  • Appointment Details
  • Convenient Interaction

3) Staff Communication and Collaborations App

These will help make seamless communication among healthcare teams, i.e. staff and doctors, leading to good coordination in teams and information sharing, improving patient care.

Features to look at:

  • Efficient coordination
  • Information Sharing
  • Quick Updates
  • Smooth Workflow
  • Enhanced Patient Care

4) Medical Inventory Management App

It will help hospital healthcare facilities track and manage their medical supplies, equipment, and assets. It will ensure the availability of stocks and also cut waste of items.

Features to look at:

  • Supply Tracking
  • Equipment Management
  • Availability Control
  • Waste Reduction
  • Efficient Operations

5) Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

This app is designed to manage the operations of medical laboratories, including tests, specimen processing, results, and data management.

Features to look at:

  • Test Ordering
  • Specimen Tracking
  • Result Reporting
  • Data Management
  • Smooth Operations

6) Billing and Revenue Cycle Management App

This app helps healthcare facilities manage patient care’s financial aspects, from varifying insurance coverage to processing claims and handling payments.

Features to look at:

  • Insurance verification
  • Payment Handling
  • Financial Management
  • Efficient Transaction

How much does it for Healthcare Mobile App Development:

The cost of developing Healthcare Mobile App Development depends on various factors. Let’s dive into it below. Our minimum cost starts at $15000 for developing healthcare mobile app development. It will increase and vary including various factors which are mentioned below.

Healthcare mobile App

1) Platform Selection

When it comes to the cost of developing a healthcare mobile app, one of the key considerations is the platform on which you choose to build it. You can choose to develop separate apps for iOS and Android, or you can explore hybrid techniques that allow you to build the app once and deploy it on both platforms.

2) App Maintenance & Support

When building a healthcare app, one of the most common questions is, “How much does it cost to build a healthcare app?” The cost of developing a healthcare app includes the initial creation expenses and ongoing maintenance and support costs. The price can vary depending on various factors, such as the app’s complexity and the required support team size. The complexity of these updates directly impacts the cost of building and maintaining a healthcare app. Therefore, it is crucial to consider all these factors when estimating the cost of developing a healthcare app.

3) UI/UX Design

Regarding healthcare app development, it’s essential to partner with reputable healthcare app development companies. These companies specialize in creating high-quality and user-friendly healthcare apps that meet the specific needs of healthcare professionals and patients.

UI/UX design focuses on how a healthcare app looks and feels. UI handles the visual parts like buttons, making them easy on the eyes. UX deals with how users use the app, aiming for a smooth experience. Both are vital for a user-friendly app.

By contacting healthcare app development companies like Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd that prioritize UI/UX design, you can ensure the creation of a user-friendly and visually appealing healthcare app.

4) Compliance and Regulation

Developing a healthcare app’s cost is impacted by compliance and regulatory demand. You need to follow standard protocols to ensure patient data safety.

Data protection and privacy: You must follow regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It will prevent data breaches and unauthorized sharing.

Medical device regulations: Healthcare apps related to pharmaceuticals should comply with FDA guidelines.

Ethical considerations: WHO and IMIA provide ethical standards and guidelines for app development. These prevent harmful practices and misleading information.


Developing a healthcare app includes many things starting from careful planning and user-friendly design, and the app follows standard rules from an organization like WHO and the FDA. The app’s goal is to be functional and keep secure data of healthcare professionals and patients. Considering all factors, we can create dynamic healthcare apps that contribute to the healthcare industry.

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1) How much does it cost to develop a healthcare app?

The cost of creating a healthcare app varies widely based on features, complexity, and platforms. It can vary according to requirements.

2) Are there any hidden costs associated with developing a healthcare app?

Yes, extra costs can come up when making a healthcare app. These might be for things like keeping the app working well, making updates, making it more secure, and following changing rules.

3) How can I keep the cost of developing a healthcare app under control?

To control healthcare app costs, set precise project needs, prioritize key features, partner with experienced developers, and prepare for post-launch expenses.

4) What is the role of HIPAA compliance in healthcare app development?

HIPAA compliance is essential for healthcare apps. It ensures patient data stays safe and private by following standard safety rules.

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