React Native vs React – What’s the Difference?

React vs React Native
21 min read

If you are in the world of web and mobile app development, you must have come across the terms React vs React Native. These two frameworks, although related, serve different purposes and have their own distinct characteristics. In this article, we will explore the key differences between React Native and React JS to help you understand which one is more suitable for your development projects.

Introduction to React Native and React JS

In this section, we will provide an introduction to two powerful frameworks in the world of web and mobile development: React Native and React JS.

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript. React Native is best for writing platform specific code. It uses the same design principles as React, making it easy for developers to transition between the two.

On the other hand, React JS, also known as React or React.js, is a open-source JavaScript library that focuses on building complex user interfaces for web applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI web components and efficiently update and render the components, resulting in fast and responsive web applications.

While ReactJS and React Native share the same core concepts, they have distinct use cases. React Native is best suited for cross-platform mobile development & best for developing mobile user interfaces enabling developers to create experiences that closely resemble native apps on both iOS and Android platforms. React, on the other hand, is primarily used for building user interfaces in the web development space.

Both ReactJS and React Native offer numerous benefits to developers, including improved productivity, code reusability, and a vibrant developer community. However, they have their differences and unique features that make them suitable for specific development scenarios.

In the following sections, we will explore these frameworks in more detail and delve into their capabilities, advantages, and use cases to help you make an informed decision when choosing between React Native and React JS for your development projects.

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React Native for Mobile App Development

React Native is a powerful framework that has revolutionized app development. It allows developers to build cross-platform apps using the same codebase, saving time and effort. With React Native, you can create native-like apps for both iOS and Android platforms, delivering a seamless user experience.

One of the key features of React Native is its component-based architecture. Developers can create reusable UI components that can be shared across different screens and even between different projects. This not only improves development efficiency but also ensures consistency and maintainability.

Another advantage of React Native is its ability to provide a smooth and responsive user interface. By leveraging the native capabilities of the device, React Native apps can deliver high performance and provide a native-like look and feel. This is achieved by rendering UI components using native elements, resulting in a great user experience.

React Native also has a vast ecosystem of libraries and packages that help developers in various aspects of app development for mobile. From UI frameworks to navigation solutions, there are plenty of options available to enhance your app’s functionality and user experience.

Benefits of React Native for Developing Mobile App

There are several benefits of using React Native for app development for mobile devices:

Time and Cost Efficiency: With React Native’s code reusability, development time and costs are significantly reduced. Developers can write once and deploy to multiple platforms, saving both time and money.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: React Native allows you to build apps that work seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. This eliminates the need for separate development teams and reduces maintenance efforts.

Native Performance: By leveraging native components, React Native apps can deliver excellent performance comparable to native apps. Users will experience fast loading times and smooth interactions.

Hot Reloading: React Native’s hot reloading feature enables developers to see the changes they make in real-time, speeding up the development process and improving productivity.

Benefits of React Native for Developing Mobile App

With these benefits, React Native has become a popular choice for app development in mobile devices, especially for startups and businesses looking to build apps quickly and efficiently.

In the next section, we will shift our focus to React and its significance in web development.

React JS for Web Development

In this section, we will explore the significance of React in web development and delve into its capabilities, advantages, and comparison with other JavaScript frameworks.

The Power of React JS

React JS, also known as React, is a popular JavaScript library for developing user interfaces. With its component-based architecture and virtual DOM, React allows developers to create reusable UI components that can be efficiently rendered and updated.

One of the key advantages of React is its ability to enhance the performance of web apps by minimizing unnecessary re-rendering of components. By efficiently updating only the necessary parts of the interface, React ensures a smooth and responsive user experience.

Advantages of Using React JS

React offers several benefits for web development:

React JS for Web Development

Reusability: React allows developers to build reusable UI components, saving time and effort in coding.

Modularity: With React’s component-based architecture, developers can easily separate different functionalities of their application, making the codebase more manageable and scalable.

Maintainability: React utilizes a declarative syntax, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the codebase, even as the application grows in complexity.

Comparing React JS with other JavaScript Frameworks

React stands out among other JavaScript frameworks due to its unique features and advantages. JavaScript is one of the best programming language in the world and due to its popularity React is highly popular. While frameworks like Angular and Vue.js also offer robust solutions for web development, React’s component-based approach, virtual DOM, and efficient rendering make it a popular choice for many developers.

React is especially well-suited for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) and complex user interface, where performance and reusability are crucial factors.

Continue reading the next section to discover a detailed comparison between React Native and React JS.

Comparing React Native and React JS

In the world of JavaScript and React, two popular frameworks have gained significant attention: React Native and React JS. While both frameworks share the same roots and core concepts, they serve distinct purposes in the realm of application development.

Comparing React Native and React JS

React Native, as the name suggests, is primarily focused on app development for mobile devices. It leverages JavaScript and React to enable developers to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. React Native allows developers to create rich and interactive user interfaces that mimic native app experiences.

On the other hand, React, is designed for web development. It is a JavaScript library that helps developers build robust, scalable, and efficient user interfaces for developing web applications. React offers reusable components, virtual DOM (Document Object Model), and a declarative approach to building UIs.

One of the key differences between ReactJS and React Native is their target platforms. React Native focuses on app development for Android & iOS, while React is centered around web development. This distinction influences their respective use cases, performance, and scalability.

Another notable difference is the set of components available in each framework. React Native provides a wide range of pre-built components specifically designed for mobile app interfaces. These components allow developers to create a seamless user experience and easily access device-specific features.

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In contrast, React offers a comprehensive library of reusable components that are primarily catered to web applications. These components enable developers to build the dynamic and responsive user interfaces for desktop and mobile web browsers.

When it comes to performance, React Native offers near-native performance due to its ability to render UI components directly on the device. This allows for smooth animations, quick response times, and a native-like feel. React, on the other hand, relies on the virtual DOM to optimize rendering and update only the necessary components, providing excellent performance for web applications.

Scalability is another aspect where ReactJS vs React Native differ. React Native application provides seamless scalability when it comes to adding new features or functionalities to mobile apps. With a single codebase, developers can easily extend the app’s capabilities across multiple platforms. React, on the other hand, excels in building large-scale web applications, thanks to its component-based architecture and efficient rendering methods.

In conclusion, ReactJS and React Native are both powerful frameworks that serve different purposes in the world of application development. React Native caters to iOS & Android Development, offering native-like performance and access to device-specific features. React, on the other hand, is geared towards web development, providing reusable components and efficient rendering for web applications. The choice between ReactJS vs React Native depends on the specific requirements and target platform of your project.

React Native vs React JS: Development Tools and IDEs

In this section, we will explore the various development tools and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) available for React Native and React JS. These tools play a crucial role in making the development process more efficient and productive.

React vs React Native: Development Tools and IDEs

React Native Development Tools and IDEs

When it comes to React Native development, several popular tools and IDEs can aid developers in building native mobile applications.

1. Expo: Expo is a powerful development tool that simplifies the creation of React Native applications. It offers a wide range of features such as easy project setup, hot reloading, and over-the-air (OTA) updates, making it an ideal choice for beginners and experienced developers.

2. Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code, commonly known as VS Code, is a lightweight and highly extensible IDE that supports React Native development. It provides a rich set of features, including IntelliSense, debugging capabilities, and support for various plugins and extensions.

3. Atom: Atom is another popular text editor that offers excellent support for React Native development. It is highly customizable and comes with numerous packages and themes, enabling developers to tailor their workflow to their specific needs.

Also Read: Best ReactJS Alternatives

React Development Tools and IDEs

For ReactJS development, some several tools and IDEs can enhance the productivity and efficiency of developers:

1. React Developer Tools: React Developer Tools is a browser extension available for Chrome and Firefox that provides advanced debugging and inspection capabilities for ReactJS applications. It allows developers to inspect component hierarchy, state, and props, making it easier to debug and identify issues.

2. Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is not only a popular choice for React Native development but also widely used for ReactJS development. Its extensive ecosystem, packed with extensions and plugins, enables developers to streamline their workflow and maximize productivity.

3. Sublime Text: Sublime Text is a lightweight yet powerful text editor that supports ReactJS development. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, syntax highlighting, and a plethora of plugins and packages, allowing developers to customize their environment to suit their needs.

When choosing the right development tools and IDEs for React Native or ReactJS, consider factors such as ease of use, community support, available features, and compatibility with your operating system.

In the next section, we will explore alternative frameworks vs React Native for native mobile applications development.

React Native Alternatives for App Development

If you’re considering native mobile application development and looking for alternatives to React Native, there are several frameworks you can explore. These alternatives offer their own unique features and advantages, providing you with more options for your projects. Let’s dive into some popular alternatives below:

React Native Alternatives for App Development


Developed by Google, Flutter is a UI toolkit that allows you to build native mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. It offers a rich set of customizable widgets and provides fast rendering performance. Flutter’s hot reload feature enables developers to make real-time modifications to the code, making the development efforts more efficient.

Vue Native

Vue Native combines the simplicity and flexibility of Vue.js with the power of React Native. It allows you to build cross-platform mobile applications using Vue.js syntax. Vue Native provides seamless integration with existing Vue.js projects and offers a smooth learning curve for developers familiar with Vue.js. It also offers a wide range of native app components, making it easier to create visually appealing mobile applications.


NativeScript is an open-source framework that allows you to build truly native mobile apps using JavaScript, TypeScript, or Angular. It provides direct access to native APIs, allowing you to create high-performance, platform-specific applications. With NativeScript, you can reuse existing JavaScript libraries and build applications with a native look and feel.


Ionic is a popular framework for building hybrid mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers a library of pre-designed native UI components and provides a seamless integration with Angular. Ionic allows you to build applications that run smoothly on both iOS and Android platforms, offering a consistent user experience across devices.

These are just a few examples of the alternatives available to you when considering mobile application development vs React Native. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to evaluate them based on your specific project requirements and goals.

Choosing Between React Native and React JS

When it comes to selecting the right framework for your project, making the decision vs React Native and ReactJS can seem daunting. Both frameworks have their strengths and are widely used in the development community. To help you navigate this choice, we have compiled a list of key considerations and factors for you to take into account.

Choosing Between React Native and React JS

Project Requirements

One of the first things to consider is the specific requirements of your project. React Native is primarily used for cross platform mobile framework, while ReactJS is focused on web development. If you are developing a mobile app, React Native might be the better choice as it allows you to build native-like applications for both iOS and Android platforms. On the other hand, if you are building a web application, ReactJS provides a robust library for creating interactive user interfaces.

Development Resources and Community Support

Another important factor to consider is the availability of resources and community support. React Native has gained significant popularity in recent years and has a large and active community. This means you can find numerous libraries, tutorials, and forums to help you with your development process. ReactJS, being the foundation of React Native, also has a strong community and a vast ecosystem of resources.

Performance and Scalability

Performance and scalability are crucial factors to consider when choosing a framework. React Native offers the advantage of building cross-platform applications, which reduces development time and effort. However, the performance might not be as efficient as native applications. On the other hand, ReactJS is known for its performance and scalability, allowing you to build fast and responsive web applications.

Team Expertise and Learning Curve

Consider the expertise of your development team and the learning curve associated with each framework. If your team already has experience with React Native, it may be more efficient to continue using it. On the other hand, if your team is well-versed in JavaScript and web development, transitioning to ReactJS may be a smoother process. Take into account the resources and training required to get your team up to speed on a new framework.

Best Practices for React Native and React JS Development

When working with ReactJS Vs React Native, it’s important to follow best practices to optimize your code and enhance the performance of your applications. By implementing these recommendations, you can ensure a smoother development process and produce high-quality results.

Best Practices for React Native and React JS Development

1. Modularize Your Code

Divide your code into reusable and modular components that can be easily maintained and updated. This will help you achieve better code organization and improve readability.

2. Use Functional Components

Utilize functional components whenever possible, as they offer better performance compared to class-based components. Use React’s built-in hooks, such as useState and useEffect, to manage state and side effects efficiently.

3. Optimize Rendering

Avoid unnecessary re-renders by utilizing React’s memoization techniques. Use shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo to prevent components from rendering when their props or state haven’t changed.

4. Apply Code Splitting

Implement code splitting techniques to reduce bundle size and improve app loading time. Use React.lazy and React.Suspense to dynamically load components only when needed.

5. Perform Proper Error Handling

Handle errors gracefully by implementing proper error boundaries. Use React’s ErrorBoundary component to catch and handle any exceptions that occur during rendering.

6. Optimize State Management

Choose the appropriate state management solution for your project, such as React’s context API, Redux, or MobX. Properly manage and update your application’s state to avoid unnecessary re-renders and ensure efficient data flow.

7. Integrate with DevTools

Take advantage of React’s developer tools, such as React DevTools, to inspect and debug your components. These tools provide valuable insights into the component’s state, props, and performance.

8. Write Unit Tests

Ensure code reliability and maintainability by writing comprehensive unit tests for your React Native and ReactJS applications. Use testing libraries like Jest and Enzyme to validate your components’ functionality.

9. Follow Community Guidelines

Stay updated with the latest best practices and recommendations from the React Native and ReactJS community. Follow industry-standard conventions and guidelines to ensure compatibility and consistency.

By implementing these best practices, you can unlock the full potential of React Native and ReactJS, creating robust and performant applications.


React Native and ReactJS are two powerful frameworks for building web and mobile applications. Both have their unique features and advantages that make them suitable for different use cases. When deciding between React Native and ReactJS, it’s important to consider the specific requirements and goals of your development projects.

React Native is a popular choice when creating mobile apps, offering a native-like experience and the ability to create cross-platform applications. With React Native, you can reuse code across different operating systems, reducing development time and effort. It is an ideal choice for building scalable and performance-oriented mobile apps.

On the other hand, ReactJS is a library specifically designed for building user interfaces in web applications. With its component-based architecture, React S allows for the creation of reusable UI components, resulting in efficient and maintainable JavaScript code. It is widely used for developing dynamic and interactive web interfaces.

Ultimately, the selection between React Native and ReactJS depends on your specific project requirements and the target platform. By considering factors such as performance, development time, and the need for cross-platform compatibility, you can make an informed decision to achieve success in your application development journey.

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What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS?

React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React, while ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces primarily for web applications.

Can React Native components be used in ReactJS applications?

Yes, React Native components can be used in ReactJS applications with the help of libraries like react-native-web. However, some components may need additional tweaking to work seamlessly in both environments.

Is it possible to convert a React Native app into a ReactJS web app?

While both React Native and ReactJS share some similarities, converting a React Native app into a ReactJS web app requires significant changes to the codebase and native UI components. It is often more practical to start building a separate web app using ReactJS from scratch.

Which one is better for mobile application development: React Native or ReactJS?

React Native is specifically designed as cross platform mobile framework, offering excellent performance and native-like experiences. ReactJS, on the other hand, is tailored for web app development. The choice depends on your specific project requirements and target platforms.

Can I use React Native and ReactJS together in the same project?

While it is possible to integrate React Native and ReactJS components in the same project, it can be challenging to manage both frameworks simultaneously. It is generally recommended to separate mobile and web development projects, using React Native and ReactJS respectively.

What are some popular IDEs for React Native and ReactJS development?

Some popular IDEs for React Native development include Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and Atom. For ReactJS development, popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.

Are there any alternatives to React Native for mobile application development?

Yes, some alternatives to React Native for mobile application development include Flutter, Xamarin, Ionic, and NativeScript. Each framework has its own advantages and considerations, so it’s important to evaluate them based on your project requirements.

How do I choose between Reactjs vs React Native for my project?

The choice between React Native and ReactJS depends on the complexity and specific requirements of your project. If you need to build a mobile app with native-like performance, React Native code may be the better choice. For web app development or cross-platform compatibility, ReactJS is a suitable option.

What are some best practices for React Native and ReactJS development?

Some best practices for React Native and ReactJS development include modular component design, code reusability, proper state management, optimized rendering, and writing clean and maintainable code. It’s also advisable to stay updated with the latest versions and JavaScript library for improved performance and security.

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