Unity Awake vs Start: Understanding the Differences

Unity Awake vs Start: Everything You Need To Know!
13 min read


This blog is a comprehensive guide on the Awake vs Start functions. Learn everything you need to know about these essential components, including their differences, best practices, examples, and benefits. We’ll also cover common mistakes to avoid, ensuring you have the knowledge and skills to optimize your game development process. 


Unity is a powerful game development platform that offers a variety of methods and functions to help developers create immersive and interactive games. Two essential methods Unity Awake and Start play a crucial role in the initialization and execution of scripts. So, to have a clear knowledge on Unity Awake vs Start, which are the areas you must be looking at? 

Before we dive into the specifics of Awake and Start, let’s first understand their basic functionalities. Both Awake and Start are Unity methods that are called when a script is initialized or enabled. While they may seem similar, there are key distinctions between the two that developers need to be aware of to ensure proper script execution.

In this article, we will understand the differences between Unity Awake() and Start(), their functionalities, best practices, and more. Whether you are a beginner in Unity game development or looking to optimize your code, understanding the nuances of Awake and Start is essential.

Unity Awake vs Start

The Awake() method is called when a script is loaded, and it is used for initializations that need to be executed only once. This method is called before the Start() method and is ideal for setting up variables, references, or other components that are crucial for the script’s functionality. It is important to note that Awake() is called regardless of whether the script is enabled or not which makes it a reliable place to perform initialization tasks.

On the other hand, the Start() method is called after Awake() and is used for initializations that require all scripts to be loaded. Start() is called only if the script is enabled, which makes it suitable for tasks that depend on the state of other objects or components in the scene. This method is commonly used to set up variables that rely on the state of the scene or other objects.

Key Differences: Awake vs Start Unity

Key Differences: Awake vs Start Unity

Getting started with unity 3D includes functions, objects, elements, classes, subclasses, states, order of execution and many more aspects of game development. 

In Unity, both the `Awake()` and `Start()` functions are part of the MonoBehaviour class and are commonly used in game development to initialize objects and perform setup tasks. While they may seem similar, there are key differences between the two:

1. Execution Timing

  • Awake(): The `Awake()` method is called when the script instance is being loaded. It is invoked before any `Start()` methods and is used for initializing variables or setting up references. `Awake()` is executed even if the script component is disabled in the inspector.
  • Start(): The `Start()` method is called after `Awake()` and before the first frame update. It is used for any setup that requires other objects to be initialized, such as finding and accessing other objects or components in the scene.

2. Order of Execution

  • Multiple `Awake()` methods in different scripts attached to the same GameObject or its children are called in the order they are added to the GameObject.
  • Similarly, multiple `Start()` methods are called in the order of script execution, which is determined by the Script Execution Order settings in the project.

3. Use Cases

  • Awake(): Use `Awake()` for setting up references to other objects or components, initializing variables, or performing tasks that do not depend on the state of other objects.
  • Start(): Use `Start()` for initialization tasks that require other objects or components to be fully initialized, such as accessing the Transform of another GameObject or setting up communication between objects.

4. Execution Frequency

  • Awake(): The `Awake()` method is called only once during the lifetime of the script instance, when the GameObject is first initialized or enabled.
  • Start(): The `Start()` method is also called only once during the lifetime of the script instance, but it is called every time the GameObject is enabled, including when the GameObject is re-enabled after being disabled.

5. Performance Considerations:

  • `Awake()` is typically used for one-time initialization tasks, and it is executed before `Start()`. Therefore, any heavy initialization tasks that do not depend on other objects should be placed in `Awake()` for performance reasons.
  • `Start()` is more suitable for tasks that require other objects to be initialized, as it is called after `Awake()` and ensures that the necessary objects are available.

6. Active State

  • Awake(): The `Awake()` method is called even if the GameObject that the script is attached to is inactive or disabled in the hierarchy. This means that `Awake()` will be executed regardless of whether the GameObject is active or not.
  • Start(): Conversely, the `Start()` method is only called if the GameObject is active and enabled. If the GameObject is disabled when the scene loads, the `Start()` method will not be executed until the GameObject is activated at runtime.

7. Script Execution Order

  • Awake(): The `Awake()` method is called for each MonoBehaviour script attached to a GameObject before any `Start()` methods are called. However, the order in which `Awake()` methods are executed across different GameObjects or scripts is not guaranteed by default and can be influenced by the Script Execution Order settings in the Unity project.
  • Start(): The `Start()` method is called after all `Awake()` methods have been executed for all scripts attached to a GameObject. The order in which `Start()` methods are executed across different GameObjects or scripts is also not guaranteed by default and can be influenced by the Script Execution Order settings.

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Example of Using Awake() and Start() in Unity Game Development

In Unity game development, the Awake() and Start() methods are commonly used to initialize scripts, set up variables, and prepare objects for gameplay. By using the functionalities of Awake() and Start(), developers can create organized and efficient code that enhances the overall gaming experience. Whether you are working on a small indie project or a large-scale production, understanding how to use Awake() and Start() effectively is essential for successful game development.

Let’s say we have a simple script attached to a GameObject that spawns a projectile when the game starts:


using UnityEngine;

public class ProjectileSpawner : MonoBehaviour
    // Reference to the projectile prefab
    public GameObject projectilePrefab;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Instantiate a projectile at the spawner’s position and rotation
        Instantiate(projectilePrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);

    // Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded
    void Awake()
        // Perform one-time initialization tasks here
        Debug.Log(“ProjectileSpawner Awake() called”);


In this example:

  • We have a public variable projectilePrefab of type GameObject, which will hold the prefab of the projectile that we want to spawn.
  • In the Awake() method, we perform one-time initialization tasks. In this case, we’re just logging a message to indicate that Awake() has been called.
  • In the Start() method, we instantiate the projectile prefab at the spawner’s position and rotation. This is done after Awake() and before the first frame update, ensuring that the GameObject is fully initialized before spawning the projectile.

To use this script, you would attach it to a GameObject in your scene and assign a projectile prefab to the projectilePrefab variable in the Inspector. When the game starts, the Awake() method is called first, followed by the Start() method, which instantiates the projectile prefab at the specified position and rotation.

Best Practices for Using Awake() and Start()

When using `Awake()` and `Start()` in Unity scripts, it is essential to follow some best practices to ensure efficient and organized code. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Use `Awake()` for Initialization:

`Awake()` is typically used for one-time initialization tasks, such as setting up references to other objects or components, initializing variables, or performing tasks that do not depend on the state of other objects.

Use `Awake()` to initialize variables or set up references that will be used throughout the lifetime of the script instance.

2. Use `Start()` for Initialization that Requires Other Objects:

`Start()` is called after `Awake()` and before the first frame update. It is used for initialization tasks that require other objects or components to be fully initialized.

Use `Start()` for initialization tasks that depend on the state of other objects, such as finding and accessing other GameObjects or components in the scene.

3. Avoid Heavy Processing in `Awake()` and `Start()`:

While both `Awake()` and `Start()` are suitable for initialization tasks, avoid performing heavy processing or time-consuming operations in these methods, as it can impact the loading time of your scene.

If initialization tasks require significant processing, consider deferring them to a later point in the game lifecycle, such as during gameplay or in response to specific events.

4. Consider Script Execution Order:

Be mindful of the script execution order when using `Awake()` and `Start()`, especially if your scripts rely on each other’s initialization or setup.

Use the Script Execution Order settings in the Unity project to specify the order in which scripts should be executed, ensuring that dependencies are resolved correctly.

5. Use `Awake()` for Setup Tasks Regardless of Active State:

Keep in mind that `Awake()` is called even if the GameObject that the script is attached to is inactive or disabled in the hierarchy.

If you need initialization to occur regardless of whether the GameObject is initially active or not, `Awake()` is the appropriate choice.

6. Use `Start()` for Initialization Tasks Dependent on Active State:

Use `Start()` for initialization tasks that should only occur when the GameObject is active and enabled.

If initialization tasks require the GameObject to be active and in a certain state, `Start()` ensures that these tasks are executed at the appropriate time.

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Common Mistakes To Avoid with Awake() and Start()

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes with `Awake()` and `Start()` is essential for effective use of these methods in Unity game development. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Heavy Processing in Awake() and Start():

Avoid performing heavy processing or time-consuming operations in `Awake()` and `Start()` methods, as they can delay the initialization of other GameObjects and impact the loading time of your scene.

Instead, use `Awake()` and `Start()` for lightweight initialization tasks such as setting up references or initializing variables.

2. Not Checking for Null References:

When setting up references in `Awake()` or `Start()`, always check for null references to ensure that the referenced GameObjects or components exist in the scene.

Failing to check for null references can lead to runtime errors and unexpected behavior if referenced objects are missing or have been deleted.

3. Assuming Execution Order:

Avoid making assumptions about the execution order of `Awake()` and `Start()` methods across different GameObjects or scripts.

Unity does not guarantee the execution order of `Awake()` and `Start()` methods by default, so relying on specific execution orders can lead to unpredictable behavior, especially in complex scenes.

4. Forgetting to Call Base Methods:

When overriding `Awake()` or `Start()` in derived classes, remember to call the base class methods using `base.Awake()` and `base.Start()` to ensure that the base class initialization tasks are executed properly.

Failing to call the base class methods can result in missing or incomplete initialization, leading to unexpected behavior in your game.

Benefits of Using Awake() and Start() in Unity

The benefits of using Awake() and Start() extend beyond script initialization and setup. By utilizing these methods effectively, developers can:

  • Ensure proper initialization of variables and references.
  • Improve script organization and readability.
  • Optimize script performance by executing tasks at the appropriate time.
  • Enhance the overall user experience by streamlining script execution.

In Short! 

Understanding the differences between Unity Awake() and Start() is essential for optimizing script execution and improving game development workflows. By utilizing Awake() and Start() effectively, developers can ensure proper initialization of scripts, enhance performance, and create engaging gaming experiences. 

Whether you are a beginner in Unity game development or a seasoned developer looking to enhance your skills, mastering the nuances of Awake() and Start() is key to success in the world of game development.

Unity Awake has been one of the most popular unity methods to create game apps. So, what are your thoughts then? Are you looking for a game development company who are proficient in unity methods like start and awake unity? You are at the right place. 

Contact Artoon Solutions, a reputed game development company globally with over 14+ years of experience in game development. Our consistent gaming projects with global gaming brands like MPL, A23, Junglee Games, Flipkart, Zupee, Team 18 Play, 3Plus Games, etc. speaks volumes about our gaming innovation over the years. 

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1.What is the main difference between Unity Awake vs Start?

The main difference lies in the order of execution and dependency on the script’s enable state. Awake() is called before Start() and is not dependent on script enablement.

2. Can I use Awake() and Start() in the same script?

Yes, it is common practice to use both Awake() and Start() in the same script to perform different types of initializations.

3. Are there any performance implications of using Awake vs Start unity?

Awake() is called once per script instance, while Start() is called only if the script is enabled. Consider performance implications when choosing between the two methods.

4. How can I optimize the use of Awake() and Start() in Unity game development?

To optimize Awake() and Start(), minimize heavy computations in Awake(), use Start() for state-dependent tasks, and test script behavior for efficiency.

5. What factors should I consider when choosing between Unreal Engine and Unity for game development?

Factors to consider include user interface preferences, project requirements, graphics capabilities, and long-term goals when choosing between Unreal Engine and Unity.

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