How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Taxi Booking App in 2023?

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Taxi Booking App in 2023?
12 min read

A Taxi Booking On-Demand Mobile App is a software application that allows users to book a taxi or rideshare services at their comfort. People can easily get access to transportation services using their smartphones. With a few taps, users can request a ride, view driver’s details, track their ride in real-time, and make payments easily. Taxi booking apps have become a normal part of modern urban mobility, and the cost to develop a taxi booking app plays a crucial part in custom taxi app development.

Why Should You Invest in a Taxi Booking Mobile App?

You can invest your money to start a new venture with a taxi booking app development. Let’s look at some essential reasons before investing in a taxi booking app.

High Demand

We live in a fast-paced world nowadays; everyone wants to go from one place to another quickly. And for that, we require transportation solutions. Taxi apps provide on-demand access to rides and meet demand for convenience and reliability.

Revenue Generation

Taxi application development generates revenue through various channels, which include commission fees from drivers, in-app advertising, and subscription models.

Cost to Develop A Taxi Booking App

The cost to develop a taxi booking app varies based on many factors, but the return on investment is high. Your users are willing to pay for the convenience of on-demand transportation. The minimum cost to develop a taxi booking app like Uber at Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd starts from $20,000 and goes higher per complexity. 

Cost to Develop A Taxi Booking App

Taxi Application Development

A custom taxi app development can be good for your business because it will allow you to differentiate and innovate something new in the market, which will help you to gain a potential advantage.

Read More: What Does It Take To Make An Uber Like App in 2023?

Taxi Application Development Cost Factors

When you’re developing a taxi app, you need to keep many factors in mind that can influence the overall cost of an app. Those factors not only determine the initial expenses but can also impact long-term maintenance. Let’s see the breakdown of the main factors.

Taxi Application Development Cost Factors

  1. App Features
    The taxi app development cost factor depends on the complexity of app features. There are advanced features like real-time tracking of ride history, which can increase development expenses.
  2. Tech Stack
    Your taxi app development cost in India also depends on your chosen tech stack. Opting for cutting-edge technology requires a more specialized developer, which causes more expense.
  3. App Complexity
    Even though in the best taxi booking app in India, cost determination is based on how much complexity the app has. Factors like user roles and integration with third-party services can increase overall costs.
  4. App Development Platform
    Your taxi app development cost also depends on which platform you choose; for example, you choose a native for a cross-platform, which will impact the cost. Native app development for particular platforms costs you more than developing separate codebases for iOS and Android.

Must-Have Taxi Booking App Features

When you don’t know how to develop a taxi app, you must contact a taxi app development company in India to get information about essential information. These features enhance your user experience and affect your overall cost. Let’s look at some must-have user, driver, and admin panel features.

User Panel

  1. User Login & Registration: It is a basic feature of any app. You can allow users to create accounts and log in easily to use the app.
  2. User Profile: Users who log in can manage the information in their profiles.
  3. Book Cab: The core taxi booking app feature is to let users book a ride.
  4. Make Payment: You can provide a secure and convenient payment system.
  5. Push Notifications: You can keep your users informed about ride updates.
  6. Ride Tracking: You can provide real-time tracking, which enhances safety and convenience.
  7. Feedback: Your users can give you feedback for improving your services.

Driver Panel

  1. Driver Login & Registration: Let the driver register and log in to the app for service.
  2. Real-Time Tracking: We can track drivers in real-time for efficient matching.
  3. Ride History: Drivers will be able to access their ride history
  4. In-app calling and text: It will play a communication part between drivers and users.
  5. Feedback: You can gather feedback to maintain service quality efficiently.

Admin Panel

  1. Dashboard: you can provide a comprehensive view of the platform’s operations.
  2. Revenue Management: You can manage income, commission, and payout using this system.
  3. Reports & Analytics: This is essential for data-driven decision-making.
  4. Managing Reviews: You can monitor and respond to user and driver reviews.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know To Launch Your Uber Clone App

Useful Tips to Reduce Uber Like Taxi App Development Cost

Developing the Uber taxi app costs you much more, but there are strategies to manage and reduce the overall development cost. Let’s see some useful tips.

Useful Tips to Reduce Uber Like Taxi App Development Cost

  1. Plan Smart
    Before you start the development process, make a detailed project plan. Define your app’s goals, target audience, and required features. This planning phase will help you to avoid any unnecessary expenses during development.
  2. Essential Features only
    You can focus on only essential functionalities that provide value to users. Avoid feature bloat, which will increase development time and cost. You can prioritize features directly impacting the user experience and core functionality.
  3. Hire the Best Taxi App Development Company in India
    You should invest your money in a reputable and experienced development company like Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd. An Experienced team can optimize the development process, avoid common pitfalls, and deliver high-quality apps efficiently, saving you time and money.
  4. Keep Your App Simple
    Design a clear and user-friendly interface. Your app’s simplicity enhances the user experience and reduces design and development complexities. A simple app is easier and more cost-effective to build and maintain.

How to Build a Taxi Booking App like Uber or Lyft?

Development Timeline

Developing a taxi app involves various stages, each with a time requirement. Let’s break down the time each phase takes to develop a taxi booking app in India.

Development Timeline

  1. UX UI Design (200 Hours)
    During this phase, the designer will work on the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of the app. They create wireframes, design user interfaces, and ensure the app’s usability and appearance.
  2. Frontend App Development (450 Hours)
    Frontend developers focus on creating the user interface of the app. They implement the design and user interaction and ensure the app is responsive and user-friendly. This phase involves building the app for both iOS and Android platforms.
  3. Backend Development (200 Hours)
    The developer handles the app’s server side. They work on the database, server infrastructure, and logic that power the app. This includes managing user data, ride requests, and driver information.
  4. Web Development (200 Hours)
    If your custom taxi app development has a web version or web-based admin panel, web developers are responsible for building and maintaining it. This part is essential for managing the platform efficiently.
  5. Testing And Quality Assurance (200 Hours)
    Testing is a critical phase to ensure the app functions correctly. Tester will perform various tests, including functional, usability, and performance testing, to identify and rectify any issues they encounter. Quality assurance ensures that the app meets high standards and usability.

The total development timeline for a taxi booking app in India depends on the app’s complexity, features, and the development team’s efficiency. Generally, a taxi app can take a few months to a year to develop, with a rough estimate of 3-6 months considering all development phases.

Read More: How Uber Clone Becomes Ideal In On-Demand Taxi App Business?

How Much Does Taxi App Development Cost?

The cost to develop a taxi booking app can vary on various factors, including the app’s features, complexity, location, and development team’s rate.

How Much Does Taxi App Development Cost?

  1. Basic Taxi App
    A simple taxi app with essential features like ride booking, real-time tracking, payment integration, and push notifications can cost $20,000 to $25,000.
  2. Intermediate Taxi App
    If you want to add more features to your custom taxi app development, like advanced booking options, multiple payment gateways, driver ratings, and an admin panel. It will cost range between $25,000 to $50,000.
  3. Advanced Taxi App
    An advanced taxi app with additional features like AI-powered route optimization, loyalty programs, and complex analytics may cost upwards of $50,000 to $100,000 or more.
  4. Customized Taxi App
    If you have unique requirements, such as integrating a taxi app into an existing platform or developing a taxi service for a specific niche, the cost can be much higher and depends on the project’s complexity.

Remember that these are rough estimates and can vary based on your project’s requirements and location. It’s essential to consult with a taxi app development company in India to get a more accurate estimate for your taxi app development project.

Taxi App Business Model

  1. Dedicated Taxi Booking App
    This model involves the development of a stand-alone taxi booking app operated by a single taxi company. Customers use this company’s app to book rides with their fleet of drivers. It also offers the advantage of brand loyalty and control over user experience.
  2. Aggregator Taxi Booking App
    Aggregator App, like Uber, is an intermediary between passengers and drivers. They do not own a fleet but connect passengers with available drivers from multiple taxi companies. This model provides a wider range of drivers and increased flexibility for passengers.

Both taxi app business model have their advantages and serve different market segments. The choice between them depends on your business goals, available resources, and the specific needs of your target audience.

Read More: 10 Must-have Features To Include in a Taxi App in 2023

Monetization Opportunities for Taxi Application Development

  1. Commission
    Taxi booking mobile apps generate revenue by charging a commission on each completed ride. This commission is normally a percentage of the fare passengers pay to drivers. It’s a primary source of income for app owners.
  2. Advertisement
    You can integrate Advertisements within the app to provide additional revenue streams. You can display relevant ads to a passenger during their ride. Booking or to drivers in their app can generate income through advertising partnerships.

These monetization methods allow custom taxi app development to become profitable businesses by leveraging their user base and interaction between passengers and drivers.

Top Taxi Booking Mobile Apps All Over The World

Top Taxi Booking Mobile Apps All Over The World

  1. Uber
    It is known for easy and affordable trips. Uber is among the most popular and widely available taxi booking apps globally.
  2. Lyft
    If you want to become a driver or get a ride, Lyft offers convenient options for drivers and passengers.
  3. Gett
    It’s a major player in Southeast Asia. Grab offers not only taxis but also ride-booking services and food delivery.
  4. Curb
    It is known as “The Taxi App.” Curb provides a straightforward way to book taxis in several cities.
  5. Juno
    Juno focuses on providing exceptional services to drivers and passengers with a strong presence in the United States.
  6. Hailo
    With a history of serving multiple countries, Hailo is a familiar name in the taxi booking industry.
  7. Ola
    A ride-booking app that has made a significant impact in India and other countries as well.
  8. Easy Taxi, a Cabify App
    This app makes booking a taxi easy and efficient. It’s now known as a Cabify App.
  9. GoCatch GoCatch offers taxi and rideshare booking services in Australia.

These taxi booking apps provide various features and options for both drivers and passengers, which is better for easy urban transportation.

Get In Touch


The cost to develop a taxi booking app depends on various factors, including custom features, chosen platforms, team expertise, location, complexity, and development region. You can estimate a price range from $20,000 to $100,000. For a precise cost estimate, it’s advisable to consult with app development experts, and investing in such an app aligns with the demand for convenient transportation. So, What are you waiting for? Want to know more? Book a free call with Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd Now!


1) What factors influence the cost of developing a taxi booking app? 

Factors include custom features, platform choice, team expertise, location, app complexity, and development region.

2) How much does developing a custom taxi app with specific features cost? 

The minimum cost to develop a taxi booking app starts from $20,000, and it will vary depending on the client’s requirements and the complexities of the app.

3) Why should businesses invest in taxi application development?

It meets high demand, offers revenue opportunities, and allows market innovation.

4) Is cross-platform development a cost-effective option for taxi app development?

Yes, cross-platform development is cost-effective and efficient for targeting iOS and Android.

5) How can geographical location impact the cost of app development?

Outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs can be budget-friendly.

6) What complex features can increase the cost of a taxi app? 

Features like real-time tracking, multi-language support, and AI functionalities can raise development costs.

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