How To Develop Food Delivery Apps Like Seamless {Features & Cost Estimation}

How To Develop Food Delivery Apps Like Seamless In 2024
10 min read

The food delivery app industry has skyrocketed, now valued at over $150 billion globally, tripling in size since 2017. In 2021, online food delivery hit $50.70 billion, and the trend is set to keep growing in 2024. This surge is fueled by changing consumer habits, the appeal of convenience, and the widespread use of mobile technology. When you develop food delivery apps like Seamless, which is a leading player in the industry, it is a strategic move for any Food Delivery App Development.

Seamless has set the bar high with its user-friendly design. Following its success means tapping into a vast and profitable market. With the increasing demand for online food delivery, developing a seamless app isn’t just a business opportunity. It’s a crucial step to meet rising consumer expectations for efficient, reliable, and enjoyable food ordering experiences.

Current Market Stats of Food Delivery App Development

Let’s explore the latest market statistics in the field of food delivery app development to gain insights into market size and ongoing trends.

Online Food Delivery Users:

Statista predicts a surge in online food delivery users, reaching 217.1 million by 2027.

Popular Apps:

Rappi has emerged as the preferred app for Latin Americans to place online food orders.

DoorDash claims over 50% market potential and stands out as the most popular food delivery app in the United States.

Impact of COVID-19:

The global last-mile food and grocery delivery sector experienced a positive impact from the COVID-19 outbreak. In 2020, revenues soared to nearly $25 billion. Projections for 2025 anticipate an increase to around $72.3 billion.

Cloud Kitchen Marketplace:

In 2021, the global cloud kitchen market was estimated to be worth $56.71 billion.

Expectations suggest a significant growth to $112.53 billion by 2027.

Grub hub’s Investment:

Grubhub Inc. allocated $402.5 million for marketing and sales, marking a $92 million increase from the previous year.

American Users:

In 2021, 119 million Americans utilized online food delivery platforms for their meal orders.

Global Market Worth:

The global online meal delivery service market was valued at $107.44 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $154.34 billion by 2023.

Investments in Food Delivery and Logistics:

Global investments in the food delivery and logistics markets hit a three-year high in the third quarter of 2021, reaching $7.1 billion U.S. dollars. By March 2022, e-commerce businesses focusing on food delivery amassed $3.5 billion in quarterly investments.

These statistics provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current state and anticipated growth in the food delivery app development market.

Key Steps in Food Delivery App Development
Key Steps in Food Delivery App Development

Research and Planning

Understanding User Needs and Market Trends

  • Dive deep into user preferences and expectations for food delivery apps similar to Seamless.
  • Analyze successful features in existing apps, including Seamless, to grasp what works well.
  • Shape the development process using insights from surveys, user testing, and market analysis.

Identifying Unique Features to Stand Out

  • Set your app apart by integrating innovative and user-centric features inspired by Seamless and others.
  • Addressing pain points in the current food delivery market, aligning with user expectations for a seamless food delivery app.
  • Conduct competitive analysis, with a focus on Seamless, to spot opportunities for improvement.

Research and planning are the building blocks for a successful, seamless food delivery app. By aligning with user expectations, market demands, and the seamless experience, you increase the chances of creating a competitive and well-received application.

Also Read: Easy ways to develop a food delivery app

Choosing the Right Development Company

When diving into food app development, picking the right development company is key. Here’s how:

Evaluate Options:

  • Check out portfolios of potential development companies specializing in food delivery apps like Seamless.
  • Look for a track record of successful food delivery app projects, especially ones similar to Seamless.
  • Ensure the companies prioritize user interfaces and overall user experience, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly application.

Choosing a development company with expertise in creating food delivery apps like Seamless is essential for turning your food delivery ideas into a successful and well-received application. Whether you’re considering a food delivery app developer in India or elsewhere, focus on factors like past projects and user experience as you explore your options.

Development Process and Technologies

Developing a food delivery app involves a systematic process and the use of specific technologies:

Step-by-step Guide to the Development Process

  • You should follow a structured approach involving ideation, design, development, testing, and deployment.
  • You must collaborate with an experienced food app development company to ensure a comprehensive process.

Technologies Needed for Seamless Functionality

  • You should leverage technologies for real-time tracking, secure payment gateways, and efficient order processing to develop a food delivery app.
  • You can explore technologies like GPS for location tracking, cloud solutions for scalability, and robust backend frameworks to ensure a seamless and efficient development process.

Features of Food Delivery App
Features of Food Delivery App

Developing a great seamless food delivery app means picking the right features that make users happy, all while keeping things easy. Here’s what you need:

Core Features

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Simple design for quick and easy ordering, just like Seamless.
  2. Real-Time Order Tracking: See where your order is in real-time, so you’re always in the loop.
  3. Secure Payment Options: Pay with different methods, keeping things safe and easy when making your food delivery app.
  4. Push Notifications: Get quick updates on your order, deals, and discounts to keep you engaged, which enhances the overall features of the food delivery app.
  5. Rating and Review System: Share your thoughts, making the app more trustworthy, just food delivery apps like seamless.

Unique Features

  1. Personalized Recommendations: Get personalized suggestions based on what you like, making your experience unique.
  2. Contactless Delivery Options: Have your food delivered without contact for a safer experience.
  3. Customizable Menus: Restaurants can change their menus easily, making the app stand out.
  4. In-App Chat Support: Get help right away with a built-in chat, making the app extra helpful, like Seamless.

Balancing User Experience and App Complexity

To get it right, keep listening to users, make small improvements regularly, and focus on what matters. Keep things simple for users, but if you add cool features, make sure they make the experience better, not more confusing. It’s like finding the sweet spot between what users need and what makes the app awesome.

Also Read: Food Delivery App Development Cost

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App
Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App

Factors Influencing Development Cost

The cost of developing a food delivery app depends on a few things:


Simply put, the more features a app has, the more complex it becomes. If you want fancy features and intricate designs, be prepared for higher expenses.


Special features like order tracking, personalized suggestions, and payment setups can raise the cost. The fancier the features you want, the more you’ll need to invest.

App Size:

How big your app is matters. More features, more pages, and lots of content mean more work, which means a higher cost.

Cost Range:

The minimum cost to develop food delivery apps like Seamless starts from $15,000. But the real cost depends on what you want your app to do, its complexities and the client’s scope of work (SOW). Whether you’re working with a development company or doing it on your own, understanding these factors and the cost range helps you plan and budget for a successful app like Seamless.

Business Model Selection for Food Delivery Apps like Seamless
Business Model Selection for Food Delivery Apps like Seamless

Picking the right way to run your food delivery app is key to success. Let’s look at a few business models for food delivery apps to keep in mind:

1. Restaurant-to-Consumer (R2C)

Food goes straight from the restaurant to the customer, keeping it traditional with loyal customers.

2. Platform-to-Consumer (P2C)

Platforms connect customers with lots of restaurants, offering a wide variety of food.

3. Logistics Model

Focuses on delivering for restaurants without their delivery, making the food available to more people.

4. Cloud Kitchens

Virtual kitchens for online orders, saving costs and offering flexibility.

5. Meal Kit Delivery

Delivers ingredients and recipes for customers to cook at home, blending convenience and a cooking experience.

Choosing the right model needs research. Look at your audience, market trends, and what each model offers. Think about the pros and cons to match your goals and fit with what your customers want.

Also Read: Cost to Build a Food Delivery App like UberEats or Grubhub

Revenue Models for Food Delivery Apps like Seamless
Revenue Models for Food Delivery Apps like Seamless

Selecting the right revenue model is a crucial part of developing a food delivery app. It not only impacts the app’s profitability but also influences user satisfaction. Here are some common revenue models in the food delivery industry:

Commission-Based Model:

  • The app charges restaurants a percentage fee for each successful order.
  • Simple and widely used, connecting app revenue to restaurant success.

Subscription or Membership Model:

  • Users pay a recurring fee for benefits like free deliveries and discounts.
  • Encourages customer loyalty with predictable recurring revenue.

Delivery Fees:

  • Users pay a fee for the app’s delivery service.
  • Transparent pricing, with flexibility based on factors like distance.

In-App Advertising:

  • Partnering with restaurants to display targeted ads in the app to gain more brand visibility.
  • Additional revenue without impacting users’ wallets and personalized ad experience.

Freemium Model:

  • In the freemium model, the app is free for everyone, but users have the option to pay for extra or premium features. 
  • Attracts a wider user base with free access and encourages upgrades.

Dynamic Pricing:

  • Adjusting prices based on demand or time.
  • Maximizes revenue during peak times and ensures competitive pricing.


In conclusion, stepping into the world of food app development offers a great opportunity for entrepreneurs. Choosing innovation over clone scripts, reaching a wider customer base, and following a clear development guide are key steps for success. Taking into account important factors like adhering to food safety standards adds to the app’s effectiveness. As the food delivery industry keeps evolving, entrepreneurs can seize this chance with confidence, a focus on user satisfaction, and a strategic approach. If you’re ready to start on this exciting journey, we welcome you to get in touch with Artoon Solutions for developing food delivery apps like Seamless. Let’s turn your ideas into reality with our expertise, ensuring a smooth and exceptional user experience. Innovate with us and bring delightful culinary experiences to your customer’s doorsteps – reach out to us today!

Also Read: Food Delivery App Development: Step-by-step Guide For 2024

FAQs: Develop Food Delivery Apps

Q1. What is the process for building an app like Seamless?

Developing an app like Seamless involves market research, choosing a food delivery model, selecting essential features, and conducting seamless development.

Q2. What are the key steps in building an app similar to Seamless?

Key steps include conducting market research, developing essential features, and following a strategic process.

Q3. What is the cost of developing a food delivery app like Seamless?

The cost varies based on business requirements, features, and customizations. The minimum cost to develop food delivery apps like Seamless starts from $15,000 in Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Q4. Can you develop an affordable food delivery app for my business?

Yes, We at Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd, a reputable app development company can give solutions to meet your budgetary requirements and business needs.

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