Proof of Concept: Writing the Short Script

You want to be a screenwriter? Juliet Aires Giglio and Keith Giglio did too. Long before they became professors, they spent successful years writing and producing in the magical world of Hollywood, working on projects that have generated much success. However, when they stood up in front of the classroom they could not find a book designed for the screenwriting student that helped the writer actually write. None of the screenwriting books they read covered the craft of writing as screenwriters really talk about it. None of the books shared the techniques of screenwriting that they had learned from years in the trenches writing for studios. So they wrote the book they wish they had in film school. Proof of Concept: Writing the Short Script is aimed at the beginning writer. The novice. It is designed to teach the writer the wonderful language that is screenwriting. The emerging writer will use the same tools and develop the same skills that a professional screenwriter uses. From writing visually to breaking stories to the art of listening and learning from development notes, the authors have brought the lessons they learned from professional screenwriting into the classroom and now on to these pages. Proof of Concept is not just an introduction to screenwriting. It’s the first page of your screenplay that starts your life as a successful writer.

Our own Keith Giglio teamed up with Juliet Giglio to write an awesome and easy-to-use guide to short film writing. Check it out!

screenwriting story scriptwriting shorts shortfilm

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