Cocos Creator 3.7 does not update imported sprite sheets

Cocos Creator 3.7 does not update sprite sheets when they are updated. Only the texture changes but the sprite frames are not. This breaks the sprites in the scene, inspector and assets view.

Expected behaviour:

When entering Cocos Creator, sprite sheets are re-loaded and updated. Sprites are correctly displayed in the Assets list and scene view. Sprite properties are updated in the Inspector.


Extract the files in the attached zip.

Add the contents of the sheet1 folder to a new empty 2d project.

Everything looks fine, so far.

Open the file system folder of the project and replace the sheet.plist and sheet.png with the files from the sheet2 folder.

Go back to Cocos Creator. The texture is updated but most sprite frames are now broken:

With this it’s not possible to update sprite sheets anymore.

Using Reimport asset does not fix the issue. (57.4 KB)

This will be fixed in 3.7.1

Great to hear that!

Where is the best point to place bug reports anyways. Is it here or on the GitHub project?

Please use the issues in our engine repo