Error trying to implement tiled map

Hello, Im new to both cocos2d and c++ im making a game I already did the menu and when I click enter i need a game scene to be implemented, im working on the game map now, and when I write it on my code as the following:
bool GameScene::init()
// 1. super init first
if (!Layer::init())
return false;

auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

TMXTiledMap* map = TMXTiledMap::create("level1.tmx");
TMXLayer* layer = map->getLayer("layer1");

return true;


I wrote this on my game scene .cpp file when I try to run it i everything runs nicely until i try to click the enter button and it crushes and shows this :
then when i click ignore i get a red x sign on this line on the cocos2d files
CCASSERT(FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fullPath), “TMXMapInfo::parseXMLFile xml file not exists”);

I would appreciate help very much thank you

Can I ask what cocos2dx version your using I can report code looks. looks like you using windows ?.
Don’t understand why the is an enter key have you programmed for a key keypress routine. if you look in the director of cocos2dx there at CPP test in your cocos2d-x-4.0\tests\cpp-tests\Classes\TileMapTest
there should be all the snippets you need.

Hello thank you for replying, I am using the 3rd version not the 4th one because I had many problems running the helloWorld using the 4th version so I just switched into the 3rd one and everything been working nicely. And yes i am using windows. I’m not sure I understand what you meant by “Don’t understand why the is an enter key have you programmed for a key keypress routine”

Sorry your saying you pressed enter on a menu button and it crashed?
are you trying to load an tilemap in the menu?
or Are you using Tiled the Program, and your calling (“layer1”) when its “Tile Layer 1”

You can look at the XML file in any text editor
[layer id=“1” name=“Tile Layer 1” width=“20” height=“10”]

Or is it your not picking up the file and need to do a

yes I am trying to load a tilemap into my project, i have a gamescene file, and a mainmenu that has a button in it, when I click it it goes to the gamescene, in the game scene I try to load a tilemap, it shows that theres an error and it opens the file CCTMXXMLParser.cpp as if it’s indicating to me that theres an error related to this line of the cctmxxmlparser , the line is CCASSERT(FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fullPath), “TMXMapInfo::parseXMLFile xml file not exists”);

Not Shore what’s happing done a quick video for you to show opening a txml in the menu call-back.