5 Tips for a Perfect Mobile Game Icon

January 15, 2024

In mobile gaming, the importance of a game’s icon cannot be overstated. It’s the first thing potential players see when browsing through game stores, and it plays a pivotal role in making a strong first impression. An effective icon not only captures the essence of the game but also stands out amidst a sea of other apps, enticing players to learn more and download the game.

Keep it Simple 

Icons need to be clear & simple to understand, so focus on one object only.  An icon that’s too complicated will fail to communicate to your players what the game is all about.

5 Tips for a Perfect Mobile Game Icon

Minimize the Color Palette

Colors help your game grab the player’s attention, but don’t use too many –  1 or 2 colors are enough. Simple icons drive much more conversion than complex ones.

5 Tips for a Perfect Mobile Game Icon

Make it Iconic

Find a unique element and customize it so it’s recognizable. You can make it dynamic by adding some action (use a clean character shape), using the character’s facial expression, and going for contrasting colors.

Make it Iconic

Use Contrasting Shades & Colors

Contrast makes characters and elements stand out. If your icon’s  main element is light-colored, go for a dark background. If it’s dark, choose a lighter background for your icon.

Use Contrasting Shades & Colors

Make it Scalable

Icons are used in several formats and in multiple sizes. Your icon needs to hold up to the standard while remaining unique. Make sure your icon looks good and fits all mobile devices, whether it’s iOS, Android, or both. 

Make it Scalable

Take Your Game to the Next Level

Here are the top 3 reasons why game developers should consider publishing their mobile games with CrazyLabs:

  1. Comprehensive Support and Expertise: CrazyLabs offers access to over 300 dedicated professionals in game product, design, ideation, and data analytics. This team guides developers through every step of the publishing process for various game genres, including hyper-casual, hybrid, and casual games. This support is crucial in creating a successful game​​.
  2. In-Depth Marketability Analysis Beyond CPI: CrazyLabs conducts extensive marketability analysis, going beyond the Cost Per Install (CPI) metric. They perform tests on various platforms including iOS, Google Play, Facebook, TikTok, and Google Ads, focusing on metrics like Day 1 and 24-hour playtime. This comprehensive approach helps in accurately assessing a game’s market potential​​.
  3. Monetization Opportunities Regardless of Top Chart Performance: Unique in the industry, CrazyLabs offers developers the chance to profit from their games even if they don’t reach the top charts. Through their Publishing For All program (PFA), developers can earn revenue under their own accounts, providing a financial incentive even for games that don’t scale as expected​​.


A mobile game icon is more than just a graphical representation of a game; it’s a critical marketing tool. Investing time and effort in creating an eye-catching, memorable game icon is essential. Use these guidelines to craft an icon that not only resonates with the essence of your game but also makes it stand out in the crowded app marketplace. Remember, a great icon can significantly influence the success of your game.

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