Cocos 3.7.3 iOS handle mute status

Hi guys
I’m here with another inquiry. This time we released the ios version. I think it’s all thanks to your perfect engine. It’s very good.

However, there is one minor problem, in the case of the ios app, the sound comes out even though it is set to silent mode. Background music and sound effects are all the same. Can’t I get this out? There are quite a few reviews saying it’s uncomfortable.

Does anyone know of an alternative? I’ve been looking for it, but I don’t know how. The game music sounds even when the current ringer button is set to off. This obviously has a problem. Other engines do not. this needs to be resolved

You can try the following modification:
Modify the implementation of the init interface in the file, and change the value of AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback to AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient.

this works perfectly for me thank you so much!!