Load local bundle error on Web (CC 3.8)

I just upgrade Cocos Creator from 3.7.3 to 3.8, and error occur when load a local bundle. It work fine on cc 3.7.3. Current target platform is Web-mobile

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'nativeVer')
    at Config._initVersion (config.ts:426:36)
    at Config.init (config.ts:257:14)
    at Bundle.init (bundle.ts:179:22)
    at createBundle (factory.ts:86:16)
    at Factory.create (factory.ts:163:9)
    at asset-manager.ts:698:25
    at utilities.ts:310:13
    at misc.ts:168:13
    at handleRAF (utils.ts:212:21)

Hi, we currently know that this issue occurs when there are texture compression configurations for both Shattered and Auto Atlas. v3.8.1 will fix it, and the current version can be fixed by using this extension first, and then building it after adding launching this extension in the Extensions - Extension Manager in the Editor menu.

You can try to see if it solves your problem, if you still have problems please continue to contact us preferably with a reproducible demo. sorry for the trouble!

fix-compress.zip (1.6 KB)