Using custom cocos-engine

Hello; I am trying to use a custom built engine in cocos creator. I cloned the repo and compiled using my own compiler. I want to use this built engine. But when I specify the native engine folder in preferences, while loading the project, I see a message saying “Compiling the engine”. Does it mean that the engine is recompiled during loading? I do not want that because I want to use the precompiled engine.

Can anyone please help?

It’s compiling the TS engine to JS. yet I’m not sure what you mean by “compiled using my own compiler”, are you using another TS compilation tool ?

No I was building the cocos-engine (github/cocos/cocos-engine/) using my own compiler. That is not the TS engine, right?

hmmm, our engine build process is quite complex, I’m not sure whether it’s worthing to craft your own compiler for it, can you tell me why you need that custom compiler ?