Unable to connect websocket after building Android cocos cretor 2.4.5

I have a game written with cocos creator 2.4.5, if built for mobile web, the game can work normally. but when building android, the above game does not work (cannot connect socket)

@zzf_Cocos can you help me :frowning:

Many bugs can have here, upload your debug image please. Maybe because connection string need includes wss:

Please upload your WebSocket connection related code so that we can assess whether there are any vulnerabilities.

Below is my code, I think there is a problem when exporting android, I only get an error after exporting android, if building mobile web it works perfectly. cocos cretor 2.4.5

const startTimeout = () => {

        if (timeoutRef) {



        timeoutRef = setTimeout(() => {

            console.warn('No message received for 30 seconds, returning to lobby.');

            this.actBack(); // Call the function to return to lobby.

        }, timeoutDuration);


    // Initially, set the timeout.


    this.acPlayer.node.active = false;

    this.acBanker.node.active = false;

    this.acTIE.node.active = false;

    this.acPlayerPair.node.active = false;

    this.acBankerPair.node.active = false;

    this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://kubet1.sin79.com');

    console.log('Trying to establish WebSocket connection...');

    this.socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; // Đặt kiểu dữ liệu nhận được là "arraybuffer"

    this.socket.onopen = () => {

        console.log('WebSocket connection established.');

        // Đăng ký với server bằng tên người dùng hoặc ID.


            event: 'register',

            data: {

                nick_name: Configs.Login.Nickname



        console.log('Sent registration data to the server.');


I tested it and it works normally.

const {ccclass, property} = cc._decorator;

export default class Helloworld extends cc.Component {

    wssLink: string = "ws://";

    start () {
        // init logic
        this.label.string = this.text;

    connectToWsserver (cb?: Function){
        var _wsiSendBinary = new WebSocket(this.wssLink, []);
        _wsiSendBinary.onopen = function () {
            console.log("[Connection Server Succes] with CocosCreator 2.4.5");