How to Prevent Right-Clicks on Buttons in web build? (Cocos Creator 3.8)

Hello, there! I’m currently in trouble with Button component.
I’m trying to achieve blocking right-click when user interact with button component.
Is it possible?
blocking right-click globally also works…

I’ve tried official guide, on section “Button Click Events” and subsection “Add a callback using the script”, Example method’s parameter is Button type, not EventTouch or EventMouse. So I couldn’t know if users tap it with rightclicking.
I appreciate any guidance to how to solve this issue…
Cocos Creator 3.8 Manual - Button Component Reference

engine register event handler in pal/input/web/mouse-input.ts. You may block right click here. The codes to block the event seems like

this._canvas?.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => {
    if (event.button === 0) {
        // left butter, pass to engine
    } else if (event.button === 2) {
        // right butter, ignore it

You should change the engine codes to have a try.

wow it works great! thank you.