Clickable Words

Hi developers,

I want to make sentences where user can click on words to open other windows.

Example: “You received 5 Apples from player Hana.”

  • Click on Apples → show description what an apple is
  • Click on Hana → show information of Hana

Has anyone here tried it? I am using version 3.7.1.
Thanks for all your help.

RichText component can help you with that

Thank you. That is the solution I need, but can you give me some examples about using tag <on> ?

<on click="handler"> click me! </on>

I have no idea where function “handler” is located

You could also build a button with Richtext and have no sprite for the button. Then you can call on the button:

this.ExampleButton.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.ActionMethod, this);.



Just make sure the cc.Button has transition on NONE or SCALE.

handler is the function name of a component attached to your RichText node.

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