3.6.3 problem with black particles effect (technique&blend state tried)

Hi, I am using Cocos Creator 3.6.3, and I want to achieve a black particle effect, by default, black will be invisible in ParticleSystem2D, so I tried some solutions I found online.

  1. copy paste a default-particle-material, and put it into ParticleSystem2D’s Custom Material slot, change the technique of the material to alpha-blend, not working, nothing shows up even colored particles.
  2. change the Blend State of the material mentioned above to Blend Src: SRC_ALPHA, Blend Dst: ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, same, nothing.

Is it a bug or am I doing it wrong?

Sometimes, the black particle effect will show up in editor but not in web preview or simulator, then I go back to the particle prefab, it shows nothing again without changing anything.

As I remember it was a bug. You can upgrade engine version to 3.7+
in 3.6 you have to edit blend func inside the particle asset file (.plist extension)
Modify those 2 values, the meaning of the value you can find here