Can't use Animation Clips in Marionette!

Hello there!

I’ve been attempting to create a basic animation graph for my game object, but unfortunately, I’ve come across a limitation. It seems that Animation Clips that are personally created within the editor cannot be used in the graph.

Whenever I try to drag and drop an Animation Clip asset into the graph, I receive a warning stating, “Only animations from models can be used in animation graph”.

Is this restriction permanent? It would be incredibly helpful if animation graphs could be used with animations created in the editor. I’ve become accustomed to this approach while working with Unity, and it has proven to be quite convenient.

Hello, could you please record a demo of your operation and let me know how you encountered the problem?

Sure. Here’s what I meant: youtu. be/lnzWz54JBNQ
(I’m sorry but can’t post a link to YouTube being a new user)

It seems like now Cocos Creator supports only animations which are included in models to be used in Marionette.

Hi! I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there are plans to get rid of this restriction? Maybe you know someone who knows the answer to this question?

This feature will be supported in the Cocos Creator v3.8.1 version.

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