Error when moving assets to extension asset folder for shared module

Hi, I’m trying to create a common module for my multiple projects, so I can share assets between them (prefabs, code, media…).

As suggested by cocos devs on other posts, I’m trying to achieve this by creating a new extension and mounting a shared assets folder following the documentation on “Extending the Database (DB)”. I’ve added the assets folder with readonly=false, so I can drag and drop assets between the current project and the common extension.


"contributions": {
    "asset-db": {
        "mount": {
            "path": "./assets",
            "readonly": false

The problem is that when I drag and drop an assets from my assets folder to my extension assets folder via cocos creator assets panel, the asset dissapears from the assets folder but won’t appear on the assets one. Then, an error message will appear on the console:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/xxx/Projects/SubmodulesTestCore/extensions/blank-template/assets/material.mtl.meta'

On the explorer, i can see that the file and meta files are moved, but then the .meta file is automatically deleted when the error appears.

What am I doing wrong? Any clue or any other way to achieve this?

I’m using Cocos Creator 3.8.1 on a totally new project for testing purposes.
