Low fps motionStreak bugs on position, is there a workaround?

I’m on Cocos 2.4.8 and trying to use a motionStreak, the ideia is to move a motion node through 5 points (i’m using nodes to get positions), when i’m on 60 fps, it works fine, but if i drop the fps to 10-15 it starts to ignore the points on screen and go all crazy.

Here’s a basic code to what i’m doing:

private particleTween(): void {
    const tween = cc
      .to(0.1, { position: this.pivots[1].position })
      .to(0.1, { position: this.pivots[2].position })
      .to(0.1, { position: this.pivots[3].position })
      .to(0.1, { position: this.pivots[4].position })
      .to(0.1, { position: this.pivots[0].position });



Here is an image showing what it should be on 60fps