WebGL huge FPS drops on Retina display

Currently we are seeing a huge drop on FPS whenever we are rendering WebGL on retina display (especially on Chrome based browser) due to its canvas size being doubled of what we used as design resolution.

I wonder does anyone has any recommendation/best practice of how should we handle this? Is it possible to disable retina display in cocos engine? The closest thing I found from the doc seems to have deprecated.
Cocos Creator 3.8 API - View

I’m using Cocos Creator 3.6.2

I found this post on github, so this issue was fixed in previous cocos?! Why is it still happening on the current version?
[BUG] Low FPS with bigger Canvas - 1.8.2rc2 · Issue #2350 · cocos/cocos-engine · GitHub

I did try to turn off ENABLE_WEBGL_ANTIALIAS but the performance is still the same…

Do you have concrete profile data on your game ? You can use chrome performance inspector