Windows build custom fonts missing

Hey all, I know there are several threads open on this topic, but most seem old or unresolved.
I am building a Cocos Creator 3.7.2 project to native windows.
We use 2 custom fonts which are in the assets in <screenshot 1>
We use these fonts on both Labels and RichText, both use Arial instead of the custom fonts.

Editor view: <screenshot 2>
Build view: <screenshot 3>

This is the ttf file: <screenshot 4>

I was wondering if i needed to add the fonts to the native build template?
Or maybe I am missing another simple but vital step.

I made this new thread because I could not fix the issue with the solutions from the other related threads.


Please provide your font resources so that I can test and confirm the issue.

sure thing:

Nieuw - WinRAR ZIP (68.5 KB)
@zzf_Cocos here is the font resources, I couldnt upload files before due to the new account

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Use the Font Creator Editor to modify the font family of the font to be consistent with the font file name, and then re-export the ttf font. After that, use this new ttf font in Cocos Creator.

fixed ttf (72.2 KB)

@zzf_Cocos This solved the problem thank you, I tried this solution in a wrong way earlier so i thought it didnt work.

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