Unable to run IOS build on simulator for cocos creator

The null value is illegal, and it shouldn’t pass the assertion on windows either.But make sure you build native platform on windows.Because those assertion work only for native platform.If you build for browser or fb instant on MacOS,those will work too.

The purpose of asking about animation graph is to figure out how null is generated.because this null value never appear in lrot before.

IOS build failed after upgrading, I have fed back to other colleagues.

Please try running xcode-select -p in the terminal and check the output. It’s possible that Xcode is not found in the default location.

@sarvagya62 in order to make sure Xcode is installed before moving forward, we used xcode-select -p to make sure Xcode is installed correctly since v3.8. From the error message you showed above, it seems you have installed Xcode, but xcode-select -p can not find it. So could you please run the command in your terminal? And how could I know how did you installed Xcode?

I reinstalled everything, it works now

I faced same error even “xcode-select -p” is correct.

Should I reinstall xcode and cocos creator?
Any better solution?

I think it was fixed at Fix divide zero issue in mat4.toSRT which causes node._lrot with NaN values. by dumganhar · Pull Request #16935 · cocos/cocos-engine · GitHub