CharacterController's **onControllerTriggerEnter** not working

Look at the pictures below. The capsule which has a CharacterController attached to it and a script, should print out a message, when it goes through the Trigger (green). You can see the settings in the pictures. Also the script.

Problem: Trigger does not work.
But when unchecking isTrigger in the inspector and adjusting the code, colliderHit works. I use PhysX as the backend, but Bullet gives the same result.

Would appreciate any help.


protected start(): void {
        this.player = this.node.getComponent(CapsuleCharacterController);
        this.player.on('onControllerTriggerEnter', this.onTriggerEnter, this)

private onTriggerEnter(contact : CharacterControllerContact){
        console.log("Trigger Entered")

In the script of the Trigger (green), I also registered this:

start() {
        let collider = this.node.getComponent(BoxCollider);
        collider.once('onControllerTriggerEnter', this.spawnNextTile, this);

public spawnNextTile() {

Cross-registration so to speak!