UITransform.hitTest is not working correctly


I’m using cocos creator 3.7.0, but method hitTest of UITransform is seem not working.

Basically, I have this code:

  1. register event
this.node.on(NodeEventType.TOUCH_END, this._onTouchEnded, this, true);
  1. process touch end:
protected _onTouchEnded (event: EventTouch, captureListeners?: Node[]) {
     // screen location
     let screenPoint = event.getLocation()  // {"x":779.2784423828125,"y":1581.3411254882812}
     let uiPos = event.getUILocation()        // {"x":519.5189615885416,"y":1054.2274169921875}
     // Have to Sprite with transform.getBoundingBoxToWorld()
     // 0 {"x":40,"y":968.699951171875,"width":283,"height":223}
     // 1 {"x":348,"y":968.699951171875,"width":283,"height":223}
     // Check collision by hitTest
     if (transform.hitTest(screenPoint)) --> not working

    // check collision by isHit
    if (transform.isHit(uiPos)) --> it's working ( but it's deprecated since v3.5.0 ) 

Please tell me, what is wrong with hitTest method ? And how to fix it

Thank you

I followed your code and did a test, hitTest and isHit both work fine, you can refer to my demo, if you have any more questions, please feel free to leave a comment and provide a demo to me, thanks!

NewProject.zip (28.5 KB)

Hi @muxiandong ,
I modified your demo project:

And here is the result:
On web simulator, both isHit and hitTest work normally. But when I build this project and deploy on real device, only isHit works, and hitTest doesn’t work.

  1. hitTest works on web simulator

  2. hitTest doesn’t work on real device

Please help me understand about that case.

Thank you

Hi, thank you for your feedback. The issue you mentioned, was able to reproduce, this should be a bug in the engine, I have created a new issue to the engine group UITransform.hitTest does not work properly on Android · Issue #14214 · cocos/cocos-engine · GitHub

Suggestion: For now, use UITransform.isHit to implement the functionality you need.

@muxiandong , hope it gets resolved soon ! :muscle: