Spawn prefabs at random location without colliding with other prefabs

Hi everyone, I’m new to Cocos Creator. I am making a game like Rapid Ball from Nokia phone. So the problem is whenever I want to spawn prefabs at a random location, one prefab may collide with the others. Can someone explain to me how to get rid of this situation? Sorry for my bad English

Easiset Idea I would have is to make the entire board into a grid system and then check if there is a ball or other obstacle in the grid, then randomly choose which grid will place the ball. Make sure the grid size is the same as the ball.

Is there any chance I can work with the collision system? The collision system might work by checking the collision between platform tiles, if one platform tile collides with the others, it will be destroyed, then create a new one

Yes, you can do collision detection. Just follow the steps we did in the Flappy Bird section where we added physics to the pipes and hit detection.

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Thank you very much, I will watch this tutorial.