Error 3817 corrupted component

When attempting to run the game on a mobile device after building it, the following error occurs consistently:

14:34:38 [DEBUG]: D/ JS: [ERROR]: Error 3817, please visit for details. Arguments: GameUI, 2
2024-04-03 14:34:38.886 29347-29369 
14:34:38 [DEBUG]: D/ JS: Corrupted component value: null

This error message is encountered for all nodes under the canvas.

[ERROR]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of null
    at Function._findComponent (src/cocos-js/cc.js:1:363155)
    at Node.getComponent (src/cocos-js/cc.js:1:358503)
    at Object.refreshWidgetOnResized (src/cocos-js/cc.js:3:870089)
    at Object.refreshWidgetOnResized (src/cocos-js/cc.js:3:870239)
    at Object.refreshWidgetOnResized (src/cocos-js/cc.js:3:870239)
    at Object.refreshWidgetOnResized (src/cocos-js/cc.js:3:870239)

log of above problem

Did you crop out some features in the feature cropping?

@zzy Previously, the game functioned correctly. However, after introducing new scripts and components, the described issue emerged. Despite efforts to pinpoint the exact cause, debugging has been challenging. Are there any known instances of this bug occurring due to specific reasons in the past?

Most likely is the cache problem, delete library folder, then rebuild

The problem originated from the code itself. Nevertheless, I appreciate your assistance!

If it is code problem. It’s working in web environment?

Yes. It is working in web environment. In Android due to circular dependency it causes problem.