Spine runtime problem: adding animation to the empty queue doesn't start the animation

I added animation to sp.Skeleton by calling addAnimation but this doesn’t start the amimation.

 if (this.playerDealing == null) {
    const cardDealing = instantiate(this.playerDealingPrefab);
    console.log('this.playerDealing', cardDealing);
    cardDealing.parent = this.bgUpper;
    if (cardDealing.isValid) {
        cardDealing.setPosition(37, -100, 0);
    const spinePlayer = cardDealing.getComponent(sp.Skeleton);
    this.playerDealing = cardDealing;
    spinePlayer.addAnimation(10, "animation", false);
    this.playerAnimationFinished = false;

What version of the engien are you using?

Cocos version is 3.8. Spine version is 3.8.75 but I changed the JSON value to 3.8.76.

I tested on a web browser and addAnimation worked normally. Could you please provide me with the problematic demo?