Different Nodes' Tweens not working asynchronously!

Hi there. I have an Array<Node> and each item in this array has a script attached to it which contains a method with a tween function, to animate the node to a new position.
My problem is, that each Node in the array waits for the previous one’s tween to finish, before starting its own tween, ie they are working synchronously. But I want to the Nodes to call their tweens asynchronously.

The ways I have tried to implement this are (none of them working so far):

Async Function outside class:

async function letTween(node : Node, previousNode : Node, newPosition : Vec3) {

                .to(0.5, newPosition, 
                    onUpdate : async (target:Vec3, ratio:number)=>{
                        node.position = target;
                    easing : "bounceOut",


var pipeline = new Pipeline('sync', [(task, done) => {
    let input = task.input;
                .to(0.5, newPosition, 
                    onUpdate : async (target:Vec3, ratio:number)=>{
                        node.position = target;
                    easing : "bounceOut",

pipeline.async(new Task()); 

I would appreciate any help.

Checking the overall logic I think I have figured out from where the problem arises and want it to share with you. Maybe it will turn out important in the future in some of your projects.

Every tween animates only ONE pos.y down. This means, when a node must fall two or more pos.y down, its tween will do that in a sequence. And this causes the delay. The tween waits until it has finished before starting a new animation for the node further downwards. So there is no need for async implementation etc.