How to convert Cocos Creator project to cocos2d-js project?

Hi, I have many Cocos Creator projects written with Cocos Creator 2.4.x

Do you know how to convert them into project structure of Cocos2d-js 3.1x (standard cocos2dx library) ?
(not LUA or C++ but cocos2d-js!)

It is not the technical problem but I need to deliver all the project to my client - and my client can only work with project cocos2dx-js version 3.1x (They don’t want to learn Cocos Creator)

PS: Ah, maybe I need to ask if it is possible or not to convert like that?
Thank you so much!

@slackmoehrle Please take a look if you know a solution?

Directly it is not possible to convert the cocos creator project into cocos2d js project. Since there is no editor in cocos2d js version.

Thanks! I’ve learnt both & found no way to convert - as you said - they are too different!