How to get position relative to another node's child

I tried convertToWorldSpaceAR and convertToNodeSpaceAR and so confused of them.

let say the structure is like:

I am moving my ‘MoveObject’ to ‘Target’, so I need the target position for my ‘MoveObject’ to move.
I tried so many times like
const worldPos = Target.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(Target.position);
const movePos = MoveObject.convertToNodeSpaceAR(worldPos);

but I don’t know actually how it works, although I read the doc.

version: 2.4.5

ok, through so many tries, it turns out

const worldPos = Target.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(Target.position);
const movePos = MoveObject.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(worldPos);

I don’t know why it works and how it translate to human language, but it works :face_with_diagonal_mouth: