VsCode plugin [cocosAutomaticRefresh], automatically refresh preview after saving code

Hi Friends.
I‘d like to share a VSCode plugin written by myself, which can save you a lot of time when you just change the code.

In normal development, you change the window and switch to the Cocos Creator editor to refresh the game preview, this is very convenient when you need to adjust the interface. But sometimes we only change the logic code, at this time, the useless window switch will be redundant.

To solve that, I made a convenient vscode plug-in named cocosAutomaticRefresh, one key to use, supports manual opening and closing (default open), supports custom port, default 7456, compatible with Cocos Creator 2.x and Cocos Creator 3.x.

When you finish your code, save it, and the preview will automatically be refreshed.

You can get it on the VSCode plugin store by searching: cocosAutomaticRefresh.

I hope this plugin proves to be useful to you, feel free to give me any feedback, thanks.


Wow, this plugin is so great, thanks for your sharing. I bet this is what I’m looking for. It will save me a lot of time.

However, if the introduction supports both English and Chinese, it would be much better for English users.