Changing scale using tween disables the touch event in Cocos creator 3.5.0?

Hi all, I am using Cocos creator 3.5.0. I am trying to make flip animation for which I am changing the scale using tween. When I use tween in the callback function of touch event and try to change the scale of a node, touch event is disabled after tween execution. For example,

 start() {

     this.node.on(Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.func, this);

func() {

    .to(2, {scale : new Vec3(this.node.scale.x + 1, 1, 0)})


According to this, node scale should increase by 1 for every touch, but after the first touch and tween is executed. The touch event is disabled (or may be destroyed). I don’t know if it’s the issue in the editor or am I missing something ?

A workaround would probably be to scale an intermediary child of the node that handle the touch event and not the event node itself.
And maybe change the ui transform content size of the touch node if you want it to correspond to the scaled child.

@Uldraxiel Thank you so much for your suggestion :blush:, but I got answer to my question.

Ans : Instead of using ‘.to( )’ use ‘.by( )’ for scale modification using tween.

I’ve into the same issue. It seems like the problem was with 0 in z-component of Vec3 in scale parameter. It doesn’t have any impact visually, but it seem like somehow messes up with touches.