[Plugin: Fix v3.6.1 Camera visibility not showing user layers]

Sorry for accidentally introducing a new bug in V3.6.1, the project’s custom layers are not displayed in the camera’s inspector property: Visibility
Since there is still a little time before the release of V3.6.2. In order not to hinder the work process for developers, a fix plugin is released here to temporarily solve this problem.


The Plugin:fix-v361-cc-camera-visibility.zip (204.6 KB)

Install the plugin




After successful installation, please reselect the camera node to refresh the inspector.

Fixed Result


This plugin will only be effective in 3.6.1, if you upgrade the version after that, you can remove the plugin.

Sorry again for the bad experience!

Can’t download:

Thanks for reply. The attachment was re-uploaded.

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works, thanks

This time we upgraded to version 3.6.2. Nevertheless, it is not shown on the screen when building android. how should i solve this?

This issue has been fixed in version 3.6.2. If the interface does not display, check if the layer of the node is incorrect