Web-mobile created by cocos creator 3.8.0 deploy to github page, encounter errors with black screen

Computer System: macOS Monterey
Cocos Creator Version: 3.8

Reproducibility: 100%
Phone Model: Any
Phone Browser: Any
Previous Working Version: Cocos Creator Version: 3.4.1

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open Cocos Creator and select Editor 3.8.0 to create an Empty (2D) project.
  2. Create any scene and add some text to it.
  3. Package the project for web mobile with all default options.
  4. Copy all the files generated from the build.
  5. Publish to GitHub Pages.

Error message:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
index.js:26 Error: https://pointmall.github.io/cocos-game-space/cocos-js/_virtual_cc-2a93dcea.js, https://pointmall.github.io/cocos-game-space/cocos-js/cc.js (SystemJS https://git.io/JvFET#3)
at HTMLScriptElement. (system.bundle.js:1:7844)
(anonymous) @ index.js:26
system.bundle.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: https://pointmall.github.io/cocos-game-space/cocos-js/_virtual_cc-2a93dcea.js, https://pointmall.github.io/cocos-game-space/cocos-js/cc.js (SystemJS https://git.io/JvFET#3)
at HTMLScriptElement. (system.bundle.js:1:7844)

I had the same issue and I couldn’t figure out why. But when I publish the same repo to Vercel, it works just fine

I’m not sure it’s github page issue or a cocos creator issue :open_mouth:. If I use Cocos Creator Version 3.4.1, everything goes well.