Hot Update Error

I am using hot update in my game to update the game, I am getting error “Asset update error: assets/main/import/bf/bf063329-f5f0-43ca-acca-af6ab85cc752.json, Too Many Requests” , What are we missing here? Globally there is a default limit of 1200 files per user per 5 minutes on domain and this is a standard limit globally, We are uploading more that 1200 files on server and its not a very big game. We need to update an critical feature through hot update urgently so any help or links is appreciated.

Cocos version – 2.4.7
Android Version - Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2
Api Level - 33

This is not an error reported by the engine, and we are not sure of the root cause. Based on the error message, there are too many resource requests for updates.
You need to test whether reducing the number of updated files can solve the problem.

Is it possible to download zip folder at once and then use ?