Error when trying to exit from bundle

Hello everyone,

I encountered an issue with my game application, which functions as a ‘client.’ In this client app, users can download remote bundles and load them. I developed this game for the Android platform, and there are no problems when playing the game from a downloaded bundle. However, I encountered an error message when attempting to navigate back to the ‘Home’ scene within the client, which is outside of the bundle.

For instance, within the downloaded bundle, there is a scene called ‘MainMenu’ and within ‘MainMenu’ there is a close button that allows users to exit the bundle and return to the ‘Home’ scene, which is a part of the client, not the bundle itself.

Does anyone have insights into this issue and how to resolve it?

Thank you in advance.

19:10:35 [ERROR]: [SE_ERROR]  (/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.8.0/, 764): Invoking function (0xb4000079110d3930) failed!
19:10:35 [ERROR]: [SE_ERROR]  (/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.8.0/, 754): Invoking function failed, TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
                                                                                                        at Object.updateUVs (src/cocos-js/cc.js:51412:24)
                                                                                                        at Object.updateRenderData (src/cocos-js/cc.js:51306:16)
                                                                                                        at Sprite.updateRenderer (src/cocos-js/cc.js:41418:29)
                                                                                                        at UIRendererManager.updateAllDirtyRenderers (src/cocos-js/cc.js:32416:31)
                                                                                                        at Director.tick (src/cocos-js/c