BIG issue with webp on certain browsers

The BIG in the title is kind of a goofy play on words… but the problem is pretty troubling atm and I don’t even know which is the best place to start looking for a solution… Here is the issue:

We have recently finished one game with Cocos for launch and are nearing the end of dev for a second… In order to keep our overall project file size down to fit our requirements, we are using webp images. The game looks and plays great on most devices. However, when playing the game on ios using either chrome or firefox as the browser, the webp images appear scaled up so large they take up most parts of the screen… it not only looks awful, it makes the game unplayable. I was wondering if there is something going on with the vertex shader causing the webp files to not be properly converted to clip space… but I’m not sure if that would be the case since this problem only exists on ios and on chrome/firefox browsers… any ideas/help/information would be hugely appreciated by our studio!

webp doesn’t have best compatibility on browsers, I do suggest you to use PNG or JPG as preferred image format, some resources

Can you post device, system and browser environment here ? Please also provide some problematic webp files so that we can directly see the result

Has there been any improvements in this space, we’re using 3.7.3. We’re experiencing the same issues on Firefox and Chrome. On all of our webp images.

We still don’t recommend using webp. Please change to png and it should be just fine.

Please provide more information