Pixel perfect rendering problem

I’m having trouble rendering pixel art without sub-pixel distortion. All I’ve done with this project is imported a TMX file as a tilemap, and while it renders correctly in game without modifications, it renders incorrectly in the editor and also when using integer scaling (2x, 3x, etc). Of course, I’ve also enabled Nearest filtering on the images used in the tilemap.

If I drag in the image used for the tilemap on its own, it renders without distortion issues, so it seems to be something to do with the TiledMap component.

I’m too new to Cocos Creator to understand how to fix this on my own. What could be the issue here?

What version of the engine are you using?

Can you give me the tiledMap assets for test?

I’m using version 3.8.0. Here’s the tilemap data: tiledassets.zip (29.2 KB)

I will continue to deal with this issue tomorrow.

I imported your tiledMap resource into Tiled Editor, but there was an error displayed.

Then it also cannot be displayed in Cocos Creator. Please provide a valid tiledMap resource or a Cocos Creator project.