Mask image decrease frame rate

I am using cocos 3.4.2. I have several components in my scene that has mask(rect). due to this frame rate decreased lower than 30 and when i remove mask the frame rate is 55-60. Now how i can improve the frame rate with mask.

@RAAng @huynhthuan @linrm @zzf520 @slackmoehrle @nutrino

As mask use stencil test, it will render twice, first render stencil, second render the sprite. So the performance is slow. Can you paste an image describes the result? Then may be we can discuss if there are some other features to achieve it.

Ok i attached a image. In this image 4 mask is active. 1st is overlay and rest 3 for 3 image in the scroller behind. In this image you can see the frame rate is dropped less than 30 here.