Memory leaks on window resize

Hello! There is a problem with memory on native platforms(checked only mac os). When i change the size of a window memory grows really hard and fast.

How to reproduce it? Just change the size of a window by dragging a mouse and you will see the problem. Do not drag a mouse always. Just change the size and release the mouse button. And repeat it 20 - 30 times.

After a while the problem will gone. But all the same looks strange.

Creator v3.7.2.

Maybe the problem depends on the 'canvas-resize' event.

When resize, gpu memory of all render targets and render textures will be reallocated, we will investigate whether there is potential leak and get back to this topic

Window related resources such as render targets will be reallocated on resize.
Our render-pipeline maintains a render target pool. If the resources in the pool are not used again within a certain period of time, they will be destroyed.

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